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What are the part numbers for oil filters or Spark

What are the part numbers for oil filters or Spark plugs for my Yamaha?

Clean out plug repair kit, AKA Manhole cover

Contact at Yamaha or Scarab for customer service or YES warranty

Is there a list of frequently ordered parts--look here for it!

Here is a listing of a number of frequently ordered parts for our boats in no particular order:

  1. My favorite Yamaha parts look-up site
  2. Yamaha 4 Cycle (230 series boats) MR-1 Filter (page 7-KN-303) and Spark Plugs (CR9EB), an alternative filter alternative
  3. Yamaha 4 Cycle (210 Series boats) Spark plug and filter thread
  4. Yamaha 4 Cycle (240 series boats) Filter (K&N HP-1002) and Spark Plugs (#6668 LFR6A)
  5. Are the 210's plugs and filters the same as 230s?
  6. Replacement door trim
  7. Engine Flush connector
  8. JETBOATERS.net SWAG-Flags, Stickers, Coozies, shirts....
  9. Replacement Tires
  10. Pins for 212x Tower
  11. Ladder Strap replacement
  12. Older Model table post base
  13. Bimini "Boot" cover
  14. MANHOLE COVER REPAIR SET - FOR-67609-09-00 (clean out plug repair kit)
  15. Replacement fuel sender for older model - fixes gauge mis-reading
  16. Wire Connecting specialty connectors-really cool for adding/piggy backing wires.

After Market add-on Vendors (Alphabetical Order):
  1. Cobrajetsteering (fins and plug pins)
  2. Gantlin products (Wake surfing gate)
  3. Jetboatpilot (Fins, plug pins, Seadek, cushions and more)

Boat Cover Source

Here is a good source for boat covers:

  1. Sources for Boating Covers:Covers Direct

Where to get Yamaha Owners and Service Manual

Replacement "Snap Button" for bimini poles

Clean Out Hatch Cam Bar replacement
