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How to replace Reverse Gate/Shift cables

Here are a number of threads on how to replace your reverse gate cables:

How do I replace a broken steering cable?

Check out these links to a threads that explains how to tackle this:



This also includes a step by step and link to a YJB thread for RailMonkey's instructions https://jetboaters.net/threads/replacing-steering-cables-on-a-2008-yamaha-sx-230-jet-boat.10437/#post-178950

This one also covers cone bearing replacement:

Can also be helpful to look at the reverse gate cable thread for tips too.

And if your steering cable doesn't come out easily...check out this thread for @4x15mph 's challenge getting his out:


And here is a thread that discusses the part numbers for cables:


How to replace your horn

How to replace a broken plastic scupper

Many of our boats have plastic scuppers (this is the part that the drain hose from your cockpit is connected to on the outside of the boat) that crack and can leak large amounts of water into the boat. Here are some threads on how to replace the plastic scupper with a Stainless one:

  1. Scuppers--How to install new SS Scupper
  2. A Thread with more photos and part #'s
  3. A thread on borrowing pre-made scupper wrenches to fit in the small gap in the bilge.
  4. Another thread on how to do it.
  5. A discussion on if this needs to be done on models where the scupper is higher (240 series, new 210s 190s etc)
  6. Another thread on the newer models where a boat sank due to scupper
  7. Julian's video overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUlvQYR7VDM

How to replace old sticky gooey trim on the door opening

How to repair fiberglass / fix wood rot underneath

How to inspect 2015 and older - 1.8 L engine timing chain issues

all 2015 and older 1.8L engines have had multiple timing belt issues, here's a few thread to help you understand and inspect your timing belt

Just to clarify, the timing chain part has changed for 2016 MY.
It is shared between N/A, SHO and SVHO models.
The old part is 94591-66152-00, new 94591-74152-00. Here is the visual:

14-15 Chain 3Link/4Link

16 Chain 4Link/5Link




How to Fix Scarab Window from separating
