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Yamaha Engine not starting/or dies....diagnostic

How do I change the oil in my Yamaha Jet Boat?

Here are some great resources on how do change the oil and plugs in your Yamaha Jet Boat:
  1. MR1 of oil change youtube
Attached is a copy of the file in #1 above as sometimes that link runs very slowly.

2. how to do a complete oil drain https://jetboaters.net/threads/oil-change-on-mr-1-how-to-perform-a-complete-drain.3805/

3. Bill D's write up https://jetboaters.net/threads/i-need-a-mechanical-mentor.7655/#post-132624
4. Oil Change step by step (link may be broken, we're trying to fix it)

Oil filter for 1.8L engines is K&N HP-1002

Warning Lights on my Yamaha dash are flashing-what does this mean? (Engine codes)

If your lights are flashing on your tachs this means they are telling you an error code. Below is a link to all the error codes and their meanings:

Engine Flash codes (if your engine lights are flashing after you start your boat)

YDS-Yamaha Diagnostic System - How to setup and use

Do you know that you can buy a cable and software to connect to a PC that will read all sorts of data from your Yamaha engine(s)? This includes not just engine hours, but even the hours in specific RPM ranges! As well as overheat warnings etc.

This thread explains how to hook it up and operate it.


Here is a thread on how to get it working on a 24' model:


Although this is Yamaha proprietary software there are people selling the cable and Software on EBay all the time.


How to stop or reset engine alarm

How do I change the spark plugs in my Yamaha Jet boat?

How to fog your Yamaha engines

  1. How to fog your engines (by engine type) - SX230

How does the cooling water flow in my Yamaha?

How to add a shut off valve for towed or flushing

This modification can be used while being towed to prevent water ingesting into your cylinders or to get better pressure while flushing with fresh water to prevent losing it out the exhaust inlet.

1. OperationROL's install

2. Geoff Cooper's install

If you are going to tow your boat above no wake speed you either need shut off valves OR you need to just clamp off the incoming water line from the pump

I sheared off a spark plug when changing them, what do I do?

How to you remove a stuck oil filter?

The best approach is simply to use a normal strap filter remover, and if it slips, put sandpaper between it and the strap.

Here is a thread with more ideas and discussions:

How to remove stuck Oil filter

How to fix your throttles if they are out of sync

If your throttles are in line (next to each other), but run at different RPMs, check out this thread:

  1. Throttles out of Sync....directions on how to fix
If your boat model isn't covered...ask in the thread how to do it.

how to upgrade the intercooler on a supercharger

How to remove an engine
