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  1. O

    Boat Stuff YAM5 Wet Wolf Adjust-a-Thrust SVHO

    Just sent you a message with my phone #
  2. Scottintexas

    Texas registered boats, register engines?

    Just checked my tx title and it does list both engine numbers in addition to the main entry of the hull #
  3. J

    Starter zerk fitting snapped… anyone have size or part #

    Zerk fitting on starter snapped, looking for size or part #
  4. V

    ar240 stereo upgrade

    You wouldnt happen to have the exact radio part #
  5. jethrof16

    2020 Bimini Trip July 12-18th

    What time is the push from the Port Everglades buoy tomorrow morning? We are staying at the Bhia Mar Doubletree tonight. Plan to get there around 7 PM. Send me a DM and I will reply with my cell #
  6. Babin Farms

    242 limited s e series starboard engine not cranking

    Give me a call, I'll PM you my #
  7. Julian

    Help me choose a radio and antenna for a gift

    I have, and am happy with my Standard Horizon GX 1600, and I think it was around $200. Photos in the 242x link in my signature.