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  1. B

    First oil change recommended filter and oil

    Coming up on 10 hrs and looking into filters and oil. Are most of you staying with yamalube and genuine yamaha parts or venturing out. Also what are the part #'s on oil filters that you use and oil grade. 2019 SX210. Thx.
  2. J-RAD

    Passenger seat

    ...certain all models have fixed height bases. That is the case with my '16 AR240. The only adjustability is the the flip-up bolster on the captain's chair. It would be unusual for them to be different heights unless one was modified. I just purchased a new adjustable base for my captains...
  3. F

    Newbie in PA

    The only downside is that DCNR (the fish and game people) take forever with getting credentials back to you. Give it a good 4-6 weeks to get all your paperwork and ID #'s and such.
  4. 1WetBoat

    27' new Yamaha model 275 jet boat to be unveil Thursday at the Miami Boat Show

    I dont get the hate either. It's fine to vent your dislikes on a public forum, but man, its as if Yamaha has cursed at the boating world. It was designed in limited #'s and targeted at a particular audience. I think Yamaha knew that not everyone would be pleased at everything this boat offered...