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  1. Dan Berwtz

    Can't decide on a name

    How about........COCKNBALLS.......
  2. Dan Berwtz

    2019 color codes...

    Meant to say for thre 109 and 210’s but all the same
  3. Dan Berwtz

    2019 color codes...

  4. Dan Berwtz

    Ordered these, they ROCK <Sentry Fender>

    It’s because your video i bought them.....simper fi
  5. Dan Berwtz

    Bought a New Sound System-Selling Polk Tower Speakers

    Is it sold or not? If still availble text me at 941-416-5555 with pics and ill buy
  6. Dan Berwtz


    Stop teasing us...either tell us or Wait
  7. Dan Berwtz

    New 2019 AR 210 first one off the line and....

    there is a FREAKING SCRATCH HIP in the black plastic on the helm below the radio....NO way to fix it, the part can not be replaced. Dealer said option one- paint it with touch up...but it will be noticeable Or Wrap the helm.......... Thoughts ??????????
  8. Dan Berwtz

    Ordered these, they ROCK <Sentry Fender>

  9. Dan Berwtz

    This red tide is killing

    i live in sarasota where the rd tide is bad, just got a new 2019 ar 210 and cant even take her out.,,,,,so i experimented today and it actually fits in the garage...now for some projects in the air conditioned garage
  10. Dan Berwtz

    Ordered me a 2019 AR210

    Nope 2nd boat, had an 18 210 FSH and hated it major quality flaws, went to AR210
  11. Dan Berwtz

    Ordered me a 2019 AR210

    my new AR210 2019 should be in Florida Saturday, will post pix when i pick it up
  12. Dan Berwtz

    Where is the rumored new model from Yamaha?

    My dealer told me today there will be a 27 footer? Sounds pricey....
  13. Dan Berwtz

    Hello all new owner

    hello all, new owner here, well actually picking up the AR240 on Tuesday, could not turn down the really good promo Yamaha had this month, it was a tough choice i was going back and forth between the 21 and 24 footer.....I am based out of the Sarasota area, so any locals in my area please say...