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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

While I am thinking about it, I have never left my boat wet slipped. If bad weather pops up while we are in bimini, does anyone use the mooring cover while the boat is in the water overnight? I'm not sure if it is even possible but I worry about salt water ruining the ratchets on an $800 cover :banghead:
The Sands is well protected. You may get some rainwater in your boat but that's not salt, and the bilge pump will pump it out. I wouldn't bring a cover.
While I am thinking about it, I have never left my boat wet slipped. If bad weather pops up while we are in bimini, does anyone use the mooring cover while the boat is in the water overnight? I'm not sure if it is even possible but I worry about salt water ruining the ratchets on an $800 cover :banghead:
I don't think anyone uses a cover while over there. I haven't, and wouldn't.
Yamaha jb decks are self bailing, which is one of Yamaha greatest design advantages.

While I am thinking about it, I have never left my boat wet slipped. If bad weather pops up while we are in bimini, does anyone use the mooring cover while the boat is in the water overnight? I'm not sure if it is even possible but I worry about salt water ruining the ratchets on an $800 cover :banghead:

I had the same concern last year and the conseseus was that “yahamas ride nude while in Bimini”
I had the same concern last year and the conseseus was that “yahamas ride nude while in Bimini”

But only the boats @Betik. Captains and crews will be dressed.
Felt a need to clarify that.... :D
Besides my head, the rest of me is covered in a permanent sweater. Not an options even if I wanted too. lOl
For those of u that are taking kids what are u taking for food that's easy to transport. Are u going to try to take cold stuff or frozen items and if so how are u going to make it from sat to monday... Are u going to transfer everything to the fridge in your room at Bahia mar? Keep fighting the ice battle?
I fought this battle: Saturday 2:30 pm at Publix and Monday 11:30 am transfer to the condo.

I drained the water and replenished with ice mid day on Sunday.
Everything made it still cold in Bimini. The thing, I would have done differently is to bring half the food. We ended up throwing things away and even bringing things back to Florida.
I have three kids coming with me. We are planning simple but filling meals. We will pre-freeze most of it and put it in coolers that wont need to be opened. Then we will transfer the contents to the fridge/freezer at bimini. I also try to avoid buying ice and dealing with the resultant water soaking everything by freezing bottled water ahead of time and using that for ice. Two birds one stone. Just a couple of ideas, Rice and macaroni don't take up much space or weigh very much. Frozen ground beef can be used for many different dishes as well as home-made hamburgers. It also can be frozen and becomes essentially a big ice cube as well.
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How many kids did u take. . We have three... My oldest is a 16 year old boy... Hard to keep him full

I had a 5 & 3 year old, but we definitely overestimated the amount of food we will need.
I don't plan on anything frozen. Some cold milk perhaps. Beverages dry no ice save for some water for morning of. I hardly touch alcohol sadly(they say alcoholism can be part genetic and i am not much of a beer guy) but my poison is pepsi and i am concerned with that coming over so it may only be water for a week!
I think too much ice during the crossing begs for soggy food and is unnecessary weight.
I would hope ice is readily available once there though.
We just have had several long distance frustrations with coolers.
I am more interested in what resteraunts will be kid friendly! What we bring will vary slightly due to that.
You guys usually do breakfast in condo? Feeding 5 can get pricey as well but so can not getting some relaxing in on the trip.
Don't use ice. Instead pre-cool your cooler with ice. Freeze water bottles, and dump out the ice before you leave, pack the cooler with the frozen water bottles and whichever needs to remain frozen. You can also freeze a gallon of water; that solid block of ice will stay frozen for a long time, especially in a pre-cooled cooler.
For those of u that are taking kids what are u taking for food that's easy to transport. Are u going to try to take cold stuff or frozen items and if so how are u going to make it from sat to monday... Are u going to transfer everything to the fridge in your room at Bahia mar? Keep fighting the ice battle?

I will do all my dry food shopping Saturday or possibly Friday night. I will have a car at Bahia Mar on Sunday and cold and frozen item shopping will be something I do after the captains meeting Sunday. I will have room in the car for probably two more people if anyone needs or wants to do this as well. Really though I try and pack mostly dry foods you will find food will get heavily over estimated by many on this trip. Usually we get out on the water early between 8-10am and don't return till aprox 7 pm most days and it feels more like instead of eating full meals we snack all day. So usually its breakfast bars or Pop Tarts in the morning while running out the door. We may pack a few sandwiches or burgers and hot dogs for lunch and snack on granola bars, beef jerky, nuts and trail mix through out the day and other dry foods. I will bring some fresh fruit but leave it whole so it doesn't need to be cooled on the crossing and cut it up before leaving in the mornings. All beverages will remain dry during the crossing except for what I intend to drink during the crossing so just a few water unless your @veedubtek then its a few cases if beer and a bottle of fireball. Really most of the items we will bring will be dry items only items I will have that will needed cooled during the crossing will probably be some steaks, burger meat, hotdogs, deli meats, eggs and milk almost everything else will be fine to be left out there are plenty of dry options pastas and such. Really though remember its only 5 days at worst you probably only need to plan 4 dinners and the 5th night is a clean up night food wise. I only plan to make 2-3 dinners and eat out probably 2 nights which really only means only making two dinners and a third that is all the leftovers from the week. The restaurant onsite at least the last two times I was there was very reasonable I could feed my crew crew of 3 for about $30 back then so heck even a crew of 5 that's only about $250 for the whole trip to eat out every single night for the week.
For those of u that are taking kids what are u taking for food that's easy to transport. Are u going to try to take cold stuff or frozen items and if so how are u going to make it from sat to monday... Are u going to transfer everything to the fridge in your room at Bahia mar? Keep fighting the ice battle?

This may help some https://jetboaters.net/threads/preparing-for-bimini.3800/#food

I posted the types of food that we normally take somewhere. Will try to find it. Basically we take what we would eat at home with a focus of food that we can grill on the boat or at the condo and a lot of treats thrown in.

We take a lot of burgers, preseasoned, vacuum sealed, frozen and ready to grill. The kids love these.

We buy, vacuum seal and freeze steaks go take.

We hit the grocery store just before launching. Buy lamb, pork chops, hot dogs, lunch meats, edemame, snacks, eggs, milk, etc. We load all the food from the grocery carts into the boat. We pack the ice chests with ice and leave the food in the boat until we get to Bimini.
The restaurant onsite at least the last two times I was there was very reasonable I could feed my crew crew of 3 for about $30 back then so heck even a crew of 5 that's only about $250 for the whole trip to eat out every single night for the week.

You were eating out for $10 a person at Bimini Sands? I would say that would be hard to do anywhere on the island?