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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Another thought on food.

You will likely eat out for some meals or eat locally caught or purchased fish at some point during your stay. I recommend bringing food for every meal just to make sure that you have it. I intentionally take extra in case our return is delayed.

The cleaning staff at Bimini Sands is very appreciative of food left for them. Last year I left frozen burger patties in the freezer along with other items. If you are leaving food in the condo for the staff please leave a note letting them know.

Additionally the college student crew at Shark Lab accepts donations of food and bait. My family delivered two ice chests full of food plus a lot of dry goods to them last year as other families went home.
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Nothing beats the smell of bratwurst in the salty air. Unless you have dietary restrictions, bratwurst and/or ballpark franks are an easy hot meal to have on your boat for lunch while in Bimini.
Gotta be ready. . I wont charge u much for the appendectomy @robert843 but stop asking for the vasectomy !

I already got a vasectomy it was done by a priest at an alter it wasn't that painful at first but has had some very long lasting effects. Last I heard it will probably hurt until till I die or death does us part.
I already got a vasectomy it was done by a priest at an alter it wasn't that painful at first but has had some very long lasting effects. Last I heard it will probably hurt until till I die or death does us part.

I wish I had known that was an option. My priest's blessings come with a "castration" :banghead:
73 days, 19 hours and 17 minutes until we cast off.....(but who's counting)
I think it would !
For instance my target day is Sunday. +- a day for weather..
Would it be helpful to have the dates for each boats departure/arrival in the first post list of attendees? If so, I'd be happy to gather and update that @Andy S
That is a good idea, thanks. I have some of that info thanks to @robert843 asking that question. I'm getting ready to go on a well needed vacation for a week and when I get back I will update the list of attendees with the info I have and whatever you gather.
I think it would !
For instance my target day is Sunday. +- a day for weather..
OK...so post up here your dates/times both ends.....if you plan to depart and return with the group, then you'd list it as follows:

Departing Mon 6/25 6am - Returning Sat 6/30 10am

My times are as follows:

Departing Sun 6/24 11am - Returning Sat 6/30 10am
What about if u r flexible. . We are arriving sat am and can go anytime once we are prepped and launched. The reservations are for the standard monday crossing but that can be changed easily
What about if u r flexible. . We are arriving sat am and can go anytime once we are prepped and launched. The reservations are for the standard monday crossing but that can be changed easily

The assumption is we are ALL flexible...you don't want to fix yourself to a particular date. So list your target dates/times....and we'll go from there.
Just for my future planning - how do you handle the Sands? Do you just book extra days at risk?
Just for my future planning - how do you handle the Sands? Do you just book extra days at risk?

My understanding is this is hit and miss for each person/condo combination. Last year our condo was open the day before, so we just called and reserved on Sat saying we'd be arriving sunday. But if, for example, someone arrives on sat instead of Monday...that condo may well not be available.

If mine isn't, we will likely head to the Hilton (as I have status and points there).
Just for my future planning - how do you handle the Sands? Do you just book extra days at risk?

Really any reservation at The Sands is partially at risk as we have had trips where departure days changed last second or were even canceled due to weather. I would just book your primary days you plan to be at The Sands and play any extra days by year as @Julian mentioned worst case is you head over to Big Game or the Hilton for a night.
Great, thanks. I'm planning for 2019, so just taking notes :)
Just a note on the Hilton, I am not sure that Resorts World has any docks and what they may have are likely to be full.

You may want to make sure that you have two good anchors and plan to anchor offshore in the protected waters then swim to shore.

Resorts World laid off many workers over the winter and it was rumored that they would close this spring. They have reopened for the summer but also have cancelled some event(s).