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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Cuda are not bad unless you go to the Hesperus. The locals told me not to no unless the kids wanted to swim with schools of cuda. Guess what we found when got there....,,,

Schools of cuda and a few friendly sharks.
It sounds like Hesperus might be a blast of a spot to catch and release some cudas. ... or if you're not getting along with your wife, give her this new bikini and tell her that it's a great swimming spot. o_O
It sounds like Hesperus might be a blast of a spot to catch and release some cudas. ... or if you're not getting along with your wife, give her this new bikini and tell her that it's a great swimming spot. o_O
View attachment 72029

Had to rate that post “Informative”.... :D
I had a scientific discussion with @Amar Nanduri & @Water Girl about the need for sugar during the crossing. My mom also made some baklava for @bronze_10 who never got to see it because he was too nice towing my new trailer.

I would like to avoid any potential up-rise during the captain's meeting over my mom's baklava. So I figured I take orders and deliver them that weekend.
If you like some, please feel free to PM me, or find something humiliating to say in here ( knock knock @swatski ) .
I had a scientific discussion with @Amar Nanduri & @Water Girl about the need for sugar during the crossing. My mom also made some baklava for @bronze_10 who never got to see it because he was too nice towing my new trailer.

I would like to avoid any potential up-rise during the captain's meeting over my mom's baklava. So I figured I take orders and deliver them that weekend.
If you like some, please feel free to PM me, or find something humiliating to say in here ( knock knock @swatski ) .
WHOA WHOA WHOA! NO ONE SAID THERE WAS FOOD INVOLVED! That would have changed my entire time line!
Have you guys considered AirBnB if you plan to cross on Sunday and did not reserve Sunday night in Bimini Sands ?

I was planning for Sunday morning crossing along with @jayasaki138 and back on Saturday to maximize my time in Bimini. I also promised my family a couple of days Miami hangout in the ICW for the kids to chillout in the haulover sandbar.
Departing Sun 6/24 11am - Returning Sat 6/30
Have you guys considered AirBnB if you plan to cross on Sunday and did not reserve Sunday night in Bimini Sands ?

I was planning for Sunday morning crossing along with @jayasaki138 and back on Saturday to maximize my time in Bimini. I also promised my family a couple of days Miami hangout in the ICW for the kids to chillout in the haulover sandbar.
Departing Sun 6/24 11am - Returning Sat 6/30

There have been some online rental scams happening in Bimini. Bimini Sands has had people show up who booked through scam or hacked accounts on online reservation sites. I would be careful.
There have been some online rental scams happening in Bimini. Bimini Sands has had people show up who booked through scam or hacked accounts on online reservation sites. I would be careful.
Hi Bruce. I am not talking about Bimini Sands. A couple of my colleagues from Argentina have reserved condos in North Bimini through AirBnB and had a nice vacation.
Hi Bruce. I am not talking about Bimini Sands. A couple of my colleagues from Argentina have reserved condos in North Bimini through AirBnB and had a nice vacation.

My understanding is that Bimini rentals were being targeted all over the islands. People were booking online through reputable rental sites, showing up and finding out that the rental was a fake and their money was gone.
Some people also always "punch the monkey" everytime the pop up ad comes up. You can't fix stupid. A little homework goes a long way.
Changed our room to 21M (1bd w/loft) because we had some friends cancel on us. On a positive note, anyone looking for a 2 bedroom with loft, ocean front, 21I is available.

I stayed there the first year. dont bring a black light
I was adding piss fluid to my truck the other day and thought: This is a near perfect fuel jug for spare fuel for the crossing (if required). The jug is only a gallon, but is a nice square short package with a cap and separate pour spout. The pour spout is long, flexible, has its own breather. It'd be simple to wrap an item/rag around the gas cap to stop water/splash from getting into the tank, and it drains out in a hurry, easy to hold.

Its HDPE#2. there are some long term arguments with it holding fuel, opinions go both ways, but in the end your looking at a bunch of hours, not weeks.

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So i guess i was a little drunk last night and told @tim h i would be his crew on his boat for the trip. So looks like that might be a thing. Just need to have a glass of sweet tea with him and work out the details.
So i guess i was a little drunk last night and told @tim h i would be his crew on his boat for the trip. So looks like that might be a thing. Just need to have a glass of sweet tea with him and work out the details.
Shut the front door!!
Im so excited

Wait, is it gonna be only you ?
I might need to become part of someone’s crew if my ski doesn’t start behaving .....