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2019 AR190 surf set up.

@ swatski...Just new today to the forum and looking to do my first mod. I noticed some discussion at the top of this thread about the L13 cone install. I have a newly purchased 2019 AR 190 and wondering which cone I need to order.
In the video was not my board but I do believe it was a liquid force fish board or something similar. I was also able to go ropeless extremely easy with my full carbon fiber phase 5 oath.
CWB Ride, nothing fancy.
@ swatski...Just new today to the forum and looking to do my first mod. I noticed some discussion at the top of this thread about the L13 cone install. I have a newly purchased 2019 AR 190 and wondering which cone I need to order.
Welcome to the club!!

I guess it depends how do you plan to use the boat. But at any rate I would run her stock for a while to get a good feel for the baseline.

In the 190s, I would think soundproofing is among the top considerations. If you do not have a seal on the engine hatch/door - that would be my very first mod!

well, here is the wave with a 500# bag on the lower Deck and a 500 lb bag full in the Ski locker, Full tank of gas and only a driver in the boat.

The deck bag was set closer to the Port side of the boat, although I think the starboard wave looked cleanest.
my brother is goofy and I am regular.

this is only the second time my brother has ever surfed, he was able to go ropeless at times but not long term.

didn't get to mess to much with the wake as the unexpected storm rolled in on us and cut our day short.

I think I should of tried with less weight in the ski locker or maybe both bags on the back of the boat.

this is a 19 AR190, I did not feel like the boat had any problem with cavitation or pulling him or I out of the water.

(Raw Video) on a hyperlite landlock 5'9 board.
Video was recorded in 1080p on a go pro, youtube converted it to 360 don't know why.
well, here is the wave with a 500# bag on the lower Deck and a 500 lb bag full in the Ski locker, Full tank of gas and only a driver in the boat.

The deck bag was set closer to the Port side of the boat, although I think the starboard wave looked cleanest.
my brother is goofy and I am regular.

this is only the second time my brother has ever surfed, he was able to go ropeless at times but not long term.

didn't get to mess to much with the wake as the unexpected storm rolled in on us and cut our day short.

I think I should of tried with less weight in the ski locker or maybe both bags on the back of the boat.

this is a 19 AR190, I did not feel like the boat had any problem with cavitation or pulling him or I out of the water.

(Raw Video) on a hyperlite landlock 5'9 board.
Video was recorded in 1080p on a go pro, youtube converted it to 360 don't know why.
What was your speed?
this is a 19 AR190, I did not feel like the boat had any problem with cavitation or pulling him or I out of the water.
That has always been my feeling too, a well sealed pump and OEM impeller in good shape provides for a great hole shot in a 190.
Once you hit a limit though the L13 can help.

Welcome to the club!!

I guess it depends how do you plan to use the boat. But at any rate I would run her stock for a while to get a good feel for the baseline.

In the 190s, I would think soundproofing is among the top considerations. If you do not have a seal on the engine hatch/door - that would be my very first mod!

I was pretty shocked on my first couple rides as to how much noise from rattles and vibrations I could hear. I already spent about 1.5 hours tightening down hatches (engine hatch already has foam and a seal) and loose screws as well as covering the steering cable and throttle cable with pipe foam insulation to keep it from vibrating on the hull and various other spots. There were a few things behind the helm vibrating as well and I addressed those. It all made a tremendous difference and I now love the boat. I'm OCD about rattles and was seriously considering whether I would like it or not. With that little bit of my time and effort and less than 5 bucks, I'm now loving how quiet it is. My family even mentioned how quiet it was from the first trip, and I didn't say anything about what I had done so I could get an honest reaction from them. Problem solved.

I use the boat for leisure riding as well as various water sports like skiing, tubing and wakeboarding. I don't care for how the bottom falls out of the torque when I take corners, both under a load and not towing anything. I was reading about the L13 and hoping that it could help with that issue. If I could address that fairly easily, I would be very thrilled with the new boat.
Finally surf videos lol. He can go across that wake with ease. A little tip or two. When he's losing push make sure his front foot has 90% of the pressure on the board. This will keep his speed up. Also his leading shoulder and nose of board should point to your swim deck bag. Wake looks good keep it up. And try a smaller faster board.
Looks like the speed was still too fast. Try less movement on the board and trying to find the push of the wave. Also I noticed like what @Arcadyus said, he had a ton of brake on ( pressure on his rear foot ). On a surf board your front leg will burn because that is where most of the weight is at. The video of myself behind a 190( earlier in this thread ) is a classic example of dialing a boat speed in for the amount of push the wave is giving off. 10.2 wasn't cutting it so I had the captain slow down to around 9.5 ( going off of memory ).
Looks like the speed was still too fast. Try less movement on the board and trying to find the push of the wave. Also I noticed like what @Arcadyus said, he had a ton of brake on ( pressure on his rear foot ). On a surf board your front leg will burn because that is where most of the weight is at. The video of myself behind a 190( earlier in this thread ) is a classic example of dialing a boat speed in for the amount of push the wave is giving off. 10.2 wasn't cutting it so I had the captain slow down to around 9.5 ( going off of memory ).

I remember how much help you were to me last year. Even tho I had tons of experience on boards this is diff. You told me the same thing. Stay still, find the push, slow the boat down lol. All that was great advice as I can pretty easily go ropeless if I'm under 185 lbs. When I'm over that it gets iffy. But TBH once you are comfortable on your board you'll want a new one. Prob in the 4'6" range. Maybe a quad or thruster fin set up. Then throw the stock fins in the lake and buy future blackstix fins. Now this board will be prob $500 plus. Buy a bag for it and don't put it in your wakeboard rack.
throw the stock fins in the lake and buy future blackstix fins
Could you elaborate? I want to know more!
WOuld that apply to H/L Quad?

Could you elaborate? I want to know more!
WOuld that apply to H/L Quad?


So fins are the driving force of your board. They make different type of fins to do different things. Some shed speed. Some are all around fins. Some gain some speed. This is all caused by where the fin is flat and where it's rounded. The height and rake of the fin also have to do with it. So does the material. For instance carbon fiber and bamboo will be faster. They are stiff with less side to side flex. Also how many you use will give you a different ride. If you wanna try spins maybe don't use fins. For speed and airs maybe use two or even four. Can you show me the base of your fins now? If so we can determine if future fins will fit.
I'm very curious what RPM's other 190's, 192's or 195's are seeing at surf speeds while using ballast. Yesterday I was using the transom bag 490lbs, center ski locker 370lbs, 100lbs lead bags and 225lbs on the rear seat surf side. I was running 7,200 RPM's at 10.5 mph. I think I need to add more weight in the bow to reduce the RPM's and potentially lengthen the pocket. Just curious what others are seeing?
I was at 5700 rpms and right at 10mph in the video I posted

I will try slowing down on the next time out.

I think a shorter board will probably be in my future.
Pictures/videos to come later tonight hopefully, was able to grow ropeless for the first time on my 190. Put both bags on each swim deck. Actually almost lost one in the water! Fun adventures. Can’t wait to watch the video. I’m also in the market now for a shorter board.
Pictures/videos to come later tonight hopefully, was able to grow ropeless for the first time on my 190. Put both bags on each swim deck. Actually almost lost one in the water! Fun adventures. Can’t wait to watch the video. I’m also in the market now for a shorter board.
I've got a 4'8" Cobra Cat that I was SUPER impressed with! So quick and easy to keep on the wake with. I'm going to say it was nearly on par with the Coaster, but more aggressive in its performance.

Of the two I have in my inventory one is the 4'8" XR (carbon fiber) and the other is the 5'0" standard model. There is a standard version that's 4'8" as well and I'm strongly considering adding that to my inventory order I'm making this week. DM me if you want the jetboaters discount price.

Here's where I posted the vid: