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2019 AR190 surf set up.

The OD is fine, checked the spec when switching to the Lucky 13 cone.
Seal and nicks might be a problem.

For Ridesteady, I've had some tries where I reached the desired speed, but Ridesteady would not really engage.
And other instances where the overshoot was too high (12 mph), but Ridesteady engaged/
Hard to tell... I have had situations where it can take a few seconds for the speed to settle and stabilize, I kind of assume it is normal when surfing with a lot of ballast and the boat hull listed (rolled) to the side. Does the system act up at wakeboarding speeds?
In general I would think if you are cavitating heavily the system trying to adjust speed by varying RPM is not going to work out very well for holding speed precisely.

Hard to tell... I have had situations where it can take a few seconds for the speed to settle and stabilize, I kind of assume it is normal when surfing with a lot of ballast and the boat hull listed (rolled) to the side. Does the system act up at wakeboarding speeds?
In general I would think if you are cavitating heavily the system trying to adjust speed by varying RPM is not going to work out very well for holding speed precisely.

Wakesurfing speeds are fine.

It felt more like the system needs to overshoot to start controlling. But cavitation during surfing is a good point, I have to pay attention to that.
@Sebastian The further you get away from the set speed, the more aggressive the system is going to feel bringing it back to the set speed. Perhaps that's what makes you feel like it's not engaging when you're closer to the set speed.

For what it's worth, 2 MPH overshoot on startup is pretty normal, particularly on a weighted boat, depending on how far the throttles are pushed down. You've got the "response" setting turned up, which I would recommend in your situation.

The "overshoot" parameter is a fixed amount of throttle reduction as the speed control takes over. If you are getting more overshoot than desired consistently, you can try increasing this setting.
I was pretty shocked on my first couple rides as to how much noise from rattles and vibrations I could hear. I already spent about 1.5 hours tightening down hatches (engine hatch already has foam and a seal) and loose screws as well as covering the steering cable and throttle cable with pipe foam insulation to keep it from vibrating on the hull and various other spots. There were a few things behind the helm vibrating as well and I addressed those. It all made a tremendous difference and I now love the boat. I'm OCD about rattles and was seriously considering whether I would like it or not. With that little bit of my time and effort and less than 5 bucks, I'm now loving how quiet it is. My family even mentioned how quiet it was from the first trip, and I didn't say anything about what I had done so I could get an honest reaction from them. Problem solved.

I use the boat for leisure riding as well as various water sports like skiing, tubing and wakeboarding. I don't care for how the bottom falls out of the torque when I take corners, both under a load and not towing anything. I was reading about the L13 and hoping that it could help with that issue. If I could address that fairly easily, I would be very thrilled with the new boat.

Huv1 can you describe in detail everything you did to make the boat quieter? We just got a 2019 AR195 and surprised how loud it is.
Welcome to the club!!

I guess it depends how do you plan to use the boat. But at any rate I would run her stock for a while to get a good feel for the baseline.

In the 190s, I would think soundproofing is among the top considerations. If you do not have a seal on the engine hatch/door - that would be my very first mod!

Is there a noise difference between the 190 vs 195? I thought a supercharged would be noisier if not the same? Perhaps more insulation in the 195? Thanks. Curious here since I never thought this would be different.
I got some car noise insulation off amazon, sticky on one side and foil type on the other. I put it on the under side of the fuel tank hatch and the ski locker door. I also stuck it where i could behind the helm to keep that area from rattling and vibrating too much. I then packed (carefully) closed cell foam in the farthest back portion of the two rear seat storage areas and the front sides of those two areas to stop some noise and vibration coming from the engine area. final step this spring was to add closed cell foam into the rear deck area (removed the access hatch under the wet storage area by the clean out plug) mostly around the sides and back to stop some of that rumbling. Make no mistake though, these boats are loud and you will never achieve the same sound like I was used to with my Sea Ray I/O boat. Having said that, what I did very noticeably stopped a lot of the vibration and rumbling throughout the cabin area. Hope this helps.