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Group Buy 2019 JetBoaters.Net SeaDek Group Buy Sponsored By JetBoatPilot <30% MAX Discount Hit!>

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Ordered some optional kits for my 242x. Also have snap in bow and cockpit covers. Looks like some of the snaps are in the same spot as some of the optional mats. Anyone ever run into this?
Cockpit Kit has been ordered! Have been looking forward to ordering this for some time!
Just placed my order for the cockpit kit and engine step over pad - Brushed Storm Gray over Black on 2007 SX230. Been hoping for the group buy since I got the boat back in May. Thanks!
Just ordered a bunch of optional mats for mine. If I slip getting in/out now then it’s probably the beer ?
Thanks a ton to @JetBoatPilot for putting on these group sales!
Just ordered a bunch of optional mats for mine. If I slip getting in/out now then it’s probably the beer ?
Thanks a ton to @JetBoatPilot for putting on these group sales!
You're welcome! These events help us to keep our staff year round. We've never had season layoffs thanks to group buys like these!
Need opinions please! I have a 2013 AR240 that is red hull with black stripe. What color would look the best but also be the most resistant to mud stains?
Storm gray over black.
Will is the guy who sells the stuff.
But I would put Mocha over Black if I was doing the whole boat over.
Anyone??? Anyone???

Installed mine Saturday just a couple of hours after taking delivery of the boat.
UPS just dropped off my cockpit back/swim platform kit. Now I got a figure how to squeeze install into the schedule.
Placed my order last week, SeaDek arrived today!! Thanks to Kelly @ Jetboat Pilot for making this a fast & smooth transaction!
Placed my order last week, SeaDek arrived today!! Thanks to Kelly @ Jetboat Pilot for making this a fast & smooth transaction!
Awesome I'll pass this on.
Yep, Another 335 days for the next one...
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