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Group Buy 2019 JetBoaters.Net SeaDek Group Buy Sponsored By JetBoatPilot <30% MAX Discount Hit!>

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I PM'd you and also emailed customer support @JetBoatPilot on monday and ive gotten no response. The mats you sent me during this deal for a AR195 2019 are for 2 captains chairs. My boat has one and a bench. 8S and 8A are not applicable. Do you have something else that should go there? I would gladly swap out those 2 for the right one that goes there.
Sorry, many of my team members are out due to Covid 19. We're running on a skeleton crew with some volunteers helping us make face shields for front line workers. Please email me direct at will@jetboatpilot.com. I'll do.my best to help you tomorrow.
Sorry, many of my team members are out due to Covid 19. We're running on a skeleton crew with some volunteers helping us make face shields for front line workers. Please email me direct at will@jetboatpilot.com. I'll do.my best to help you tomorrow.
I figured as much, I just seen you had logged into the forum and wondered why no response. Emailing you now.
Has this deal been extended? Or is it done?
You are closer to the deal on 2020 than you are to the 2019 deal. Usually he opens the group by later in the year. If you want them for this season, you will pay a little more, but you will get an extra season out of them. Not a terrible deal.
No the price for a 19 footer was $649 at one point but in the middle of the year we had an approximate 5% annual price increase which we do most every year. The kit cost per the catalog was $849 for a 24 footer back in the spring. The max cost increase in the store was $50 on cockpit kits. I think swim platform kits remained the same.
Why now the 19 footer is $899 just for the cockpit kit
Is there going to be another group buy?
The first post says "Early Ordering", is it too early....

I would be in for full interior and swim platform along with other small pieces for a 14 SX190.
Is there a promo code to buy now or do you have Black Friday sales along with group buys in a few months?
Definitely looking forward to purchasing full cockpit, swim platform and extras for 2020 AR210.
Is there going to be another group buy?
The first post says "Early Ordering", is it too early....

I would be in for full interior and swim platform along with other small pieces for a 14 SX190.
Is there a promo code to buy now or do you have Black Friday sales along with group buys in a few months?
The group buy happens in the fall when jetboatpilot orders drop off.
The group buy happens in the fall when jetboatpilot orders drop off.

May get smaller pieces now and wait for full set.

Is there a sea deck mat for the engine hatch for the 14 SX190?
I have all the pieces offered but dont see that one? Could I have a cut square piece or offer square sheets?

Is there a sea deck mat for the engine hatch for the 14 SX190?
I have all the pieces offered but dont see that one? Could I have a cut square piece or offer square sheets?

Sorry, many of my team members are out due to Covid 19. We're running on a skeleton crew with some volunteers helping us make face shields for front line workers. Please email me direct at will@jetboatpilot.com. I'll do.my best to help you tomorrow.


I'm looking to order the Cockpit/Rear/Optional SG over BLK set but I wanted to know for the top front rails there are no mats like the FSH.
Could I buy some pieces to fit length between mat #1 and [HASH=3729]#2?[/HASH]
If I could but sheet I could do it myself but I don't see that option or you may have strips laying around you could send after this whole Covid.

Props for your contributions.


I'm looking to order the Cockpit/Rear/Optional SG over BLK set but I wanted to know for the top front rails there are no mats like the FSH.
Could I buy some pieces to fit length between mat #1 and [HASH=3729]#2?[/HASH]
If I could but sheet I could do it myself but I don't see that option or you may have strips laying around you could send after this whole Covid.

Props for your contributions.

It could be done for sure. I just don't have a boat here to template from. I'd need for someone to template that area and send them to me so we can digitize.
It could be done for sure. I just don't have a boat here to template from. I'd need for someone to template that area and send them to me so we can digitize.

I can send you template out of cardboard or trace edge with paper.
Would that help
I can send you template out of cardboard or trace edge with paper.
Would that help
Yes just take your time with it and understand that the quality of the template is critical for the quality of the finished parts.
It could be done for sure. I just don't have a boat here to template from. I'd need for someone to template that area and send them to me so we can digitize.


I worked on paper template.
It has a arc which is hard to reproduce.
I tried to make wood template but paper lines up better.
Could be scaled back 1/4" so edges to show.
Maybe if not expensive one done as test fit. Can I send you template to look over.


Found HT I had from doing ski rub rails and used template to cut it.
Looks good to me. Can you make the triangle end ~5/8" longer to match other bow trim pieces. Its ~3/4' to edge of silver pinstripe.


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Looks like 5 weeks till delivery for us procrastinators. Ordered mine yesterday.
Wife is only going to let me buy the swim platform kit. :banghead:

They said there will be a Black Friday sale of around 25%.
I hope to snag the captains area mat then.
We do plan on doing a Black Friday event. In years past it has been 25% off for stock colors and in stock materials.

With that said today is the last day for Group Buy orders so if you're wanting to get in on the best price of the year for SeaDek, email us the requested info no later than midnight tonight and save $$$!
We do plan on doing a Black Friday event. In years past it has been 25% off for stock colors and in stock materials.

With that said today is the last day for Group Buy orders so if you're wanting to get in on the best price of the year for SeaDek, email us the requested info no later than midnight tonight and save $$$!

My wife would kill me if I added the mat to my order lol. Thanks for the discount !!
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