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2019 Release coming soon!

Anyone know what time the release is?
If Yamaha charged $1 for each time people from this group hit refresh on the yamaha boats page they'd make some nice extra money. lol
Isn't the party in California this year, which means it may be tonight before release on web site?
Anyone know what time the release is?

Typically the boats are covered up until the evening when they reveal the boats and start taking orders.
Guess I will look at them tomorrow then....... :(


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I am not staying up until midnight to see the new boats, that's why I will see them tomorrow.
Yes the dealer meeting is in San Diego.... so the normal 7pm dinner party/new model release will be 10pm here on the East Coast.... it's the only down fall to it being out west this year... so t minus - 11 hours and 26 mins...... get ready....
I’m sure we will see some photos popping up by 8pm Eastern. Stay tuned!!
What would you have done? They make a great product already. Pathetic is a bit of a over statement, don't ya think? They could have easily only changed the color and called in a 2019. Appreciate the innovation they working on because they could certainty sit on their ass and change nothing, the boats still sell them selves.

First thing I would do is quality control. It's terrible on these boats. Maybe send boats to consumers that don't leak, or towers that don't fall down, maybe sand the bilge area down not just leave sprayed fiberglass everywhere, or throttles that don't slip, etc etc.... Shit I even found metal shavings fiberglassed to the boat. Second I would like to see a wake specific 19ft boat, so I don't have to make my garage magically 3 ft longer.
Leonard Maraist is posting what he sees on the jetboaters Facebook page. So far some 21ft & 24ft boats docked on the water.
Video only has sound on my phone. Maybe I have to have fb.
No I mean I only hear sound I can't see the video it's just grey.