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2021 Yamaha 25 Series Factory Quality Control?

The dealership showed me. When I get a chance I'll post it.
Congrats on the new boat!!
When I bought our Brand New 16' 242X, I found nuts, bolts, washers and a lot of FG shavings....the nuts and bolts concerned me until my dealer said its normal....and after 4 years and 260 hours nothing fell off!! As I await the arrival of the 255XD I'll be sure to check the hull and Bilge area often. I wont be as concerned this time with misc. parts! Also, my dealer is great but there is small things that come up and hopefully your dealer will be there for you. Enjoy!!
Anyone with an AR250 know how easy it is to take the tower off? I don’t mean put it down, I mean take it off for storing. I have 8ft tall garage door. The sx250 would fit but not the AR.
Haven't been on my maiden voyage yet, but minor issues for me so far have been:
  1. Some overspray on the black interior panels
  2. A small "void" in the hull. Looked like a nail hole.
  3. Small cut on the head interior fabric
  4. The pilot are speakers were crackling, though the dealer couldn't repro (currently in the shop)
Haven't been on my maiden voyage yet, but minor issues for me so far have been:
  1. Some overspray on the black interior panels
  2. A small "void" in the hull. Looked like a nail hole.
  3. Small cut on the head interior fabric
  4. The pilot are speakers were crackling, though the dealer couldn't repro (currently in the shop)

Sorry to hear about this, seems to be some quality control items have been creeping up lately in delivered boats.
Sorry to hear about this, seems to be some quality control items have been creeping up lately in delivered boats.
I have a nickel sized hole in my Gelcoat near the bow. Looks just like cement when it pops. There’s also black spray paint right above it. Looks like it’s bleeding through the Gelcoat.
@RobbieO That is not cool at all, and totally unacceptable imho for these boats.
@RobbieO That is not cool at all, and totally unacceptable imho for these boats.
Yeah...I’ll have to pay to have that fixed. As you may remember, I grounded my boat on my maiden voyage and it’s headed to the shop, so I’ll have that fixed as well. A lot of little stuff that I can fix myself. It’s obvious they were in a hurry to put these boats together. These are good quality boats however.
i don’t think this is only 25 series, I found the same quality issues initially with my 19 footer. Loose screws, cheap way the glove box mounted, etc,.. after some tweaks I am enjoying the return I am getting for the outlay but if I had purchased a 25 series I would expect much tighter QC
Yeah...I’ll have to pay to have that fixed. As you may remember, I grounded my boat on my maiden voyage and it’s headed to the shop, so I’ll have that fixed as well. A lot of little stuff that I can fix myself. It’s obvious they were in a hurry to put these boats together. These are good quality boats however.

Did you talk to the dealer about this?? Seems like something they should fix and bill back to the manufacturer. This is already something they do on the regular to start with, since boats can take small aesthetic damage during transportation from the factory. Take lots of pictures and start becoming "the squeaky wheel". Just because supply is low and demand is high, that is no excuse for not making things right.