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21ft and 24ft transom ballast bags in stock!

Im interested in a 21ft bag, I have a 08’ Sx210.
Any chance of a payment plan? Lol
We have not measured up the older boats so not sure if the newer bags would work on your transom.
We have not measured up the older boats so not sure if the newer bags would work on your transom.
Not as they are, anyway. Transom on my ‘11 is a total different shape. The step is not straight across, its curved.

Here’s the best picture I could find on my phone.
I think they would still work, the bag would some what mold to the shape if it was tied tightly to the back and just filled to a certain point. I was thinking about putting my 750 on the deck- but I’m going to blow it up with air and securely strap it before adding water to get an idea of how to keep it from slipping off.. no handles to loop through on mine.
Just wanted to put this in its own thread and let everyone know that I have 5 21ft and 2 24ft transom bags left for sale. Price is $375 including shipping and fittings. I also have 1 19ft bag on order to test fit but that is spoken for.

View attachment 75024

Just wanted to put this in its own thread and let everyone know that I have 5 21ft and 2 24ft transom bags left for sale. Price is $375 including shipping and fittings. I also have 1 19ft bag on order to test fit but that is spoken for.

View attachment 75024


I Jerry, I’m interested for a 24ft bag for my 242x. Please advise me asap
Shoot me a PM or email I thought I had sold them all but I think I have one left before I get my new order.
@jcyamaharider - is there any experience this bag alone can make a 242 Limited SE surfable or is additional ballast etc required?
I have surfed behind our boat ropeless with just this bag but my wife couldn't. 750 pounds in the locker makes a huge difference and we both went ropeless after that.
I have surfed behind our boat ropeless with just this bag but my wife couldn't. 750 pounds in the locker makes a huge difference and we both went ropeless after that.
Does center locker help?

I went ropeless (myself) for the very first time yesterday!!! (I mean for more than a few seconds)
F@$#ing amazing, I tell you.
Had the swim deck bag (custom JCY) filled full to the max, port rear locker (~600lbs) and center locker (~800lbs). Regular side surf, 10.4mph. Wedge (JCY) almost flat out, down only maybe 1.5-2 turns.

A-m-a-z-i-n-g feeling - finally behind my own boat! :D

Does center locker help?

I went ropeless (myself) for the very first time yesterday!!! (I mean for more than a few seconds)
F@$#ing amazing, I tell you.
Had the swim deck bag (custom JCY) filled full to the max, port rear locker (~600lbs) and center locker (~800lbs). Regular side surf, 10.4mph. Wedge (JCY) almost flat out, down only maybe 1.5-2 turns.

A-m-a-z-i-n-g feeling - finally behind my own boat! :D


Awesome! We are all still on the rope, long time wakeboarders but brand new to surfing this summer. I figured we'd rope it this year and get the feel down and then outfit the boat with what we need for ropeless this winter to be set for next summer. Not sure we can wait though, we are all starting to get antsy to throw that rope. :)

My question on the custom bag is anyone in a mixed side family? I'm the only goofy foot in our group so wondering what it would be like to empty and refill to switch sides with the custom bag - anyone doing this? Wish I could just force myself to be regular foot but with so many years of wakeboarding and snowboarding behind me not sure I could like getting used to that.
Does center locker help?

I went ropeless (myself) for the very first time yesterday!!! (I mean for more than a few seconds)
F@$#ing amazing, I tell you.
Had the swim deck bag (custom JCY) filled full to the max, port rear locker (~600lbs) and center locker (~800lbs). Regular side surf, 10.4mph. Wedge (JCY) almost flat out, down only maybe 1.5-2 turns.

A-m-a-z-i-n-g feeling - finally behind my own boat! :D

Any chance you have a picture or video of the wave? I have a larger bag for under the port seat, and a new ski locker bag on the way. Anxious to see what the difference might be from what I have now.
Awesome! We are all still on the rope, long time wakeboarders but brand new to surfing this summer. I figured we'd rope it this year and get the feel down and then outfit the boat with what we need for ropeless this winter to be set for next summer. Not sure we can wait though, we are all starting to get antsy to throw that rope. :)

My question on the custom bag is anyone in a mixed side family? I'm the only goofy foot in our group so wondering what it would be like to empty and refill to switch sides with the custom bag - anyone doing this? Wish I could just force myself to be regular foot but with so many years of wakeboarding and snowboarding behind me not sure I could like getting used to that.

I’m also curious about switching sides. I’m the goofy one, wife and kids are regular. Excited to see that the Wake Wedge is now universal though. Hoping to get mine ordered up pretty soon.
Is it safe to say that with that with the custom bag on the deck, and the wedge, that should be sufficient on a 2012-242 LTS? Or do I need to look at adding more ballast? Typically just 2 adults, 2 kids in the boat.
1st post! Glad I found you guys! Thanks.
Gotta tell you. . . . . Changed up my setup this past week to see how well this bag does with less weight in the boat. . . . . and MAN Oh MAN I love this thing.


(2) 400 Swim Deck
(1) 750 Under port Seat (with Dual group 27 batteries)
(1) 4oo under Starboard Seat
(1) 400 in Ski Locker

Setup this way with a single tsunami pump took every bit of 50 mins.


If I got to 1/2 tank or less I would play with either (1 or 2) 270 lbers on the floor in the rear. . . . .


(1) 24' er Custom Swim Deck Bag (900 ish lbs)
(1) 750 Under port Seat (with Dual group 27 batteries)
(1) 4oo under Starboard Seat

Setup with 2 tsunami pumps is 25 mins MAX

If the tank is full I leave the 400 in the ski locker empty and fill it 1/2 - 3/4 if we run the gas down to 1/2 tank or lower.

With how far this custom bag pushes the rear deck under there is just no need to sink the hull up front as much as we had been.

I am getting REAL close to being comfortable putting up the (2) 270's and and (2) 400's I no longer have a use for up for sale on the classifieds.

Going to play with it a bit more in the coming weeks. But between this new configuration and the dual tsunami pumps running we are spending a LOT more time surfing.

****All of this is with wake wedge, 1 Adult driving, and 3 kids for a total of no more than 250lbs people ballast, plus another 100 or so in gear.****
Any chance you have a picture or video of the wave? I have a larger bag for under the port seat, and a new ski locker bag on the way. Anxious to see what the difference might be from what I have now.
I have some new pics but can not download them right now, I'm in a no wifi wilderness. Will post over the weekend.
Here is the wave from last week, believe it or not it's looking better now! after some tweaking.

This is a .gif of the wave from full height to wave crash just got give you an idea of just how nice the push is. . . .

Awesome! We are all still on the rope, long time wakeboarders but brand new to surfing this summer. I figured we'd rope it this year and get the feel down and then outfit the boat with what we need for ropeless this winter to be set for next summer. Not sure we can wait though, we are all starting to get antsy to throw that rope. :)

My question on the custom bag is anyone in a mixed side family? I'm the only goofy foot in our group so wondering what it would be like to empty and refill to switch sides with the custom bag - anyone doing this? Wish I could just force myself to be regular foot but with so many years of wakeboarding and snowboarding behind me not sure I could like getting used to that.
We were able to try the new bag out over the 4th of July weekend. We are a split family, half surfing regular and half goofy. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes to drain the bag, switch the wake wedges and move and refill the bag. I have custom WakeMakers bags under the port and starboard seats and only filled them about half full with the custom swim deck bag filled mostly full. The wife and I were both able to surf ropeless with this setup. It is the best wave we have achieved thus far. My 14 year old son, who rides goofy like me, does not like the wave with the custom swim deck bag however. He has been able to ride ropeless with all of our wave configurations, but weighs about 100 lbs and is very athletic. To satisfy my own curiosity, I tried surfing without the custom bag like my son likes and was able to surf ropeless as well, but it was a much bigger challenge to stay in the pocket and wasn't as much fun. The only issue we encountered with the custom bag was it starting to roll off of the swim deck one time. I need to figure out a better method of strapping it on so it doesn't roll off or move around. This is the only way to go in my opinion if you want to surf ropeless behind these boats. Super fun, and smiles all around.
I need to figure out a better method of strapping it on so it doesn't roll off or move around.

On my '14 AR240 I blow up with air, take a ratchet strap and go from the rear tow point, thru the top handles on the bag, thru the rear cleat, back thru the bottom handles and to the chrome handle directly above the ladder.

It doesnt move AT ALL and we are agressive with our turns to downed surfers.

I do put a rag between the metal part of ratchet strap and where it touches the bag for added protection.

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