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21ft and 24ft transom ballast bags in stock!

Come on fedex. I’ve got a lake trip in 2 weeks and I need this bag. Fed ex ground is awful.
I bet you have a 1” intake/drain though.
The custom bag is 3/4” quick connect, that’s what I was debating. I think that 3/4” really slows it down a bunch but I can live with it, I realized it’s not that slow really, it’s just slower than my other bags.
I've been trying to figure this out too. I'm planning a ballast upgrade over the winter and I plan to have a dedicated pump for an auxiliary fill port like you have. Currently I fill the swimdeck bag with the tsunami pump which is rated at 1200gph. The HIGHEST rated reversible pump is only 980gph. I certainly don't want the fill time for that bag to get longer. I'm thinking about putting in an aerator pump for just the auxiliary port. It would be cheaper and since I don't need to empty from the aux port, i don't see any negatives. I could get back to 1200gph flow with an aerator pump. But I'm wondering how much marketing goes into these portable pumps... Is a 960gph hardwired reversible pump REALLY slower than a 1200gph portable pump? Maybe so. Thoughts?
Those pumps are under rated as long as you use the 1" hose and intakes.

We sell the 1700 gph tsunami pump and I did see an decrease in fill time from the 1200 gph pump. I am going to try and open up my fitting a little more also for more flow.
@jcyamaharider you mean the reversible ballast pumps are under rated?
This is my current connection:

Identical intakes, pumps, and hoses as for the center locker 800lbs bag that fills in half the time, so it is worth considering:

@jcyamaharider do you have any of the custom swim deck bags for my '17 212x in stock. I think I'm ready to jump in for a bag and pump. I'd love to do the wedge too but that will have to wait for my boat budget line to recover from this summer spending spree.
@jcyamaharider do you have any of the custom swim deck bags for my '17 212x in stock. I think I'm ready to jump in for a bag and pump. I'd love to do the wedge too but that will have to wait for my boat budget line to recover from this summer spending spree.
I will say this, and this is just my personal opinion. The custom bag is pretty awesome as it does simplify the setup and provides the weight exactly where it is needed etc. However, a bag or two can be easily positioned in a similar fashion and it is just more work and more time, but the effects would be difficult to distinguish. (again - I give two thumbs up for the bag, but it can be substituted for with minimal if any detriment to the wake)
Not so much with the wedge. The Wedge is more difficult to substitute, if at all possible (IMO).
You know where I'm going with this..? lol
I would get the wedge before I would get the bag.
Again - just my opinion, and the way I think about it may or may not be right/wrong.

EDIT: I have a bag or two and a pump that I'm not using, those are older design with those blue "water bed" style connectors, but work fine. If you want those - just let me know. You could put a 550 and a 350lbs bag on top in the corner/side of the swim deck - not the same convenience as the custom but would help to see what the boat can do!
(before you splurge on a new Malibu and we would miss out on your contributions here in the forum, lol)

I will say this, and this is just my personal opinion. The custom bag is pretty awesome as it does simplify the setup and provides the weight exactly where it is needed etc. However, a bag or two can be easily positioned in a similar fashion and it is just more work and more time, but the effects would be difficult to distinguish. (again - I give two thumbs up for the bag, but it can be substituted for with minimal if any detriment to the wake)
Not so much with the wedge. The Wedge is more difficult to substitute, if at all possible (IMO).
You know where I'm going with this..? lol
I would get the wedge before I would get the bag.
Again - just my opinion, and the way I think about it may or may not be right/wrong.

EDIT: I have a bag or two and a pump that I'm not using, those are older design with those blue "water bed" style connectors, but work fine. If you want those - just let me know. You could put a 550 and a 350lbs bag on top in the corner/side of the swim deck - not the same convenience as the custom but would help to see what the boat can do!
(before you splurge on a new Malibu and we would miss out on your contributions here in the forum, lol)


Hmmmm... yeah I went through this same conversation in my head. How I ended up on the custom bag first is that in the long run I think it will be more convenient for placement and filling. Doing circles while surfing has not been a problem (which we are always doing right now) because we usually can always find a big empty space to surf where we boat. So I was thinking until I get the wedge (my end goal is the swim deck bag and wedge) I'd get the bag first and keep surfing in circles for now and likely get the wedge for next year. The other reason I'm into the single bag setup is I'm goofy and the rest of my family is regular so one bag seems easier to do the setup switch. Really wish I could just learn to surf regular but it just feels so weird to me - but I try it every once in a while to see if I can learn to like it, would make things much easier. What do you think about that thought process?

Edit: Also, I'm really pushing the graces of my wife to spend on the bag and pump. I think I may regret trying to push her for the extra it would take to get a Universal wedge instead. :p
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I think I do but need to check today.
Do you have any bags for a AR240? Going out with the guys on Thursday so would need it fast
How I ended up on the custom bag first is that in the long run I think it will be more convenient for placement and filling
No doubt about it!

I do not have 21ft bags in stock but I do 24ft bags.
@jcyamaharider do you have plans to get any of the 21' bags in, if so how long do you think til you have them back in stock? I'd like to get on the list for the next order.
They are on order now. Should be another week or so.
And it begins!
@jcyamaharider any new word on the 21' bag orders - I'm hoping I can get one before the 30th when leave for a trip to my buddy's cabin.
I emailed them today. Waiting to hear back.