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21ft and 24ft transom ballast bags in stock!

My new ordering is shipping from fatsac tomorrow.
On my '14 AR240 I blow up with air, take a ratchet strap and go from the rear tow point, thru the top handles on the bag, thru the rear cleat, back thru the bottom handles and to the chrome handle directly above the ladder.

It doesnt move AT ALL and we are agressive with out our turns to downed surfers.

I do put a rag between the metal part of ratchet strap and where it touches the bag for added protection.

View attachment 78764

So true if it is completely filled I have never seen it move or any of the ropes even getting tight like it was moving. If the water can't move inside the bag it shouldn't move. Now we have only filled it 75% just to try and I can see the water moving back fourth with movement. The wave wasn't good so we never did that again.
On my '14 AR240 I blow up with air, take a ratchet strap and go from the rear tow point, thru the top handles on the bag, thru the rear cleat, back thru the bottom handles and to the chrome handle directly above the ladder.

It doesnt move AT ALL and we are agressive with out our turns to downed surfers.

I do put a rag between the metal part of ratchet strap and where it touches the bag for added protection.

View attachment 78764
Thanks for the description and photo Devildog! I will definitely try that next time out.
@jcyamaharider Let me know when bags come in please. I’m going to order a bag and a pump. Do you have any adapters that allow the tsunami pump to work with the ronix bags?
Not sure what kind of fitting that the ronix bag has......pics?
There you go..... Thanks @Scottie !!!

Also that is a wakemakers stock only, not a flyhigh standard fitting.
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@jcyamaharider I’m installing an extra 12v outlet near stern. What size fuse do I need for the pump I will be getting for the transom bag.
You should spec off the outlet you install, not the pump. I installed the blue sea socket and swapped the pump plug for the blue sea version, so it locks in place. I would recommend that for sure. The blue sea 12v socket is rated for 15 amps, so I used a 15 amp fuse.
How long do you guys take to fill the ballast? How long for the custom swimdeck bag?

I was just rereading the thread and figured maybe I'm complaining too much about the drain size being 3/4" rather than a full 1" in the custom, albeit it is the slowest.

So, with my whole system (rear port and strbd, and center locker - all 800lbs nominal, and the custom for the deck) I'm done in under 10min total, but the swimdeck bag takes the longest, just about 8-10min depending on the voltage I run - when "idling".
My port and strd and center locker take 4-5 and ~6minto fill, respectively. The port and strbd are filling only 500-600lbs, center is about full 800.

Same time to empty, except the swimdeck bag where I open the drain as well so it goes double speed.

I should have some today.......but i need to go thru all of my orders and see what will be left. I sense another big order being placed soon.
How long do you guys take to fill the ballast? How long for the custom swimdeck bag?

I was just rereading the thread and figured maybe I'm complaining too much about the drain size being 3/4" rather than a full 1" in the custom, albeit it is the slowest.

So, with my whole system (rear port and strbd, and center locker - all 800lbs nominal, and the custom for the deck) I'm done in under 10min total, but the swimdeck bag takes the longest, just about 8-10min depending on the voltage I run - when "idling".
My port and strd and center locker take 4-5 and ~6minto fill, respectively. The port and strbd are filling only 500-600lbs, center is about full 800.

Same time to empty, except the swimdeck bag where I open the drain as well so it goes double speed.


I have a Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Ballast Pump 3700GPH and it quick/disconnects to the ronix bag that I have for my platform... it fills up so fast I end up scrambling to try and shut it off... it's unreal, like 2 minutes and there's 80G in the damn thing.

Not sure if that's the information you're looking for
Put me in for a bag and pump on 24.
How long do you guys take to fill the ballast? How long for the custom swimdeck bag?

I was just rereading the thread and figured maybe I'm complaining too much about the drain size being 3/4" rather than a full 1" in the custom, albeit it is the slowest.

So, with my whole system (rear port and strbd, and center locker - all 800lbs nominal, and the custom for the deck) I'm done in under 10min total, but the swimdeck bag takes the longest, just about 8-10min depending on the voltage I run - when "idling".
My port and strd and center locker take 4-5 and ~6minto fill, respectively. The port and strbd are filling only 500-600lbs, center is about full 800.

Same time to empty, except the swimdeck bag where I open the drain as well so it goes double speed.


I have 2 tsunami pumps running and fill:

750 port
400 starboard
400 ski locker
Custom swim deck bag

All in 25 mins.

Will time the entire setup this weekend by bag.
I have a Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Ballast Pump 3700GPH and it quick/disconnects to the ronix bag that I have for my platform... it fills up so fast I end up scrambling to try and shut it off... it's unreal, like 2 minutes and there's 80G in the damn thing.

Not sure if that's the information you're looking for
I bet you have a 1” intake/drain though.
The custom bag is 3/4” quick connect, that’s what I was debating. I think that 3/4” really slows it down a bunch but I can live with it, I realized it’s not that slow really, it’s just slower than my other bags.

FedEx is the worst!!!! Still no bags