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27' new Yamaha model 275 jet boat to be unveil Thursday at the Miami Boat Show

I had high hopes for this, but it's not what I expected. Maybe they will make a 242SS with SVHO power.
I think I spy a female receiver under the swim deck for a seat. Nothing I have seen before. With that twin axle aluminum trailer this just might come in with a half ton truck towable weight. 9’4” beam would need a wide load permit to get it to your slip/dock for the season or for trips. Probably not a deal breaker for the target market.

In black my first thought is that it looks like something a Bond villian would have. Probably one of those looks that could grow on you if you don’t like it now.
If its a Bond boat, does it have a hang glider built into the top?:p
That side forward window "a" pillar will give you a blind spot. For the life of me i can not see why they did that.
That alone would kill the sale for me, and if they trickle that design to all their boats, my 16 AR240 will be my last Yamaha boat
The boat show .pdf showed 3 versions: 275E, 275SE & 275SD. Probably no top, soft top and hard top,according to trim level.
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Unless I'm missing something from the pictures, I still don't see a place to pull a tube or wakeboard. Guess we will find out tomorrow. It sure has been fun speculating the last couple days.
I wouldn't think the target market is wake-boarders, surfers, skiers or tubers to begin with. It seems to be set up for day tripers and "cruisers".
???52347548_2005749286396740_5763463970811805696_n.jpg52434205_2005749263063409_1615709281632387072_n.jpgFiller cushion for the stern seating appears to be laying on the deck. Looks like maybe 15"-16"? The walkthrough looks like it tapers down too. Like walking a tightrope...maybe 12"?
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I think I spy a female receiver under the swim deck .....

After reading 259 posts, I got REAL excited for a moment there........ I was quickly laid down once I realized you were being technical not salacious.
I wouldn't think the target market is wake-boarders, surfers, skiers or tubers to begin with. It seems to be set up for day tripers and "cruisers".

I guess that is what Yamaha is thinking, but I would think that anyone with kids or grand kids would want to drag a tube around at least every now and then.
I love my 242 Limted SE. I think the 275 is a good looking boat, but I would not buy it over what I have. For the extra money, not a lot of difference....unless maybe going to Bimini....which I wont. Biggest drawback for me is that it is not trailerable in Texas. BUT....I hope it is successful and works for Yamaha.....we should all hope that.....whats good for them keeps our boats valuable. And hopefully why they are the only the ONLY brand that has always been jet, as opposed to the late comers (Chaparral), and the brands that tried to get on the jetboat bandwagon, but couldnt cut it (Seadoo, SeaRay, Glaston).
I'm sorry, the interior looks really bad. The quality just isn't there for a 100k boat. Not even close. This is just awful...

Sometimes I notice slight alignment issues on our 192 interior. It bothers me for a minute then I remember it's a mid $30k boat new.