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27' new Yamaha model 275 jet boat to be unveil Thursday at the Miami Boat Show

Okay, I think that explains it! The yacht certification desire probably pushed them to go to the 9’ beam.
Which tells you they don’t really care about numbers they sell, as it makes it virtually untrailerable.
Besides, with this “yacht” being rather extremely light I would also be concerned with excessive flex, enough windshields had been lost in. 8’6” 240s in rough water. Great boat for Bimini runs? IDK.
Oh, well.

Yamaha provided the marketing images which Julian and I both have posted.

Yamaha provided many images and we both picked our favorites of the duplicates so you may find some differences in our posts.

We also are uploading videos which will be found in 2019 Model Year Information

Here are the threads;

@Julians with full size images

2019 Yamaha 275 Detail Images

2019 275 Detail Images part 2

My thumb nailed version of the detail images

2019 Yamaha 275 Detail Images (as thumbnails)

The lifestyle images

2019 Yamaha 275 Lifestyle Images

And finally the press release

Yamaha 275 Series News Releases
Better late then never I guess!
I still think they blew it by not having you involved more directly.
Thanks for the pics! - those are perfect, exactly what’s been needed.

Feel like we should be more excited that some of these features carry over into the rest of the smaller boats. that seems to be how yamaha does it. put the cool stuff on the big toys first.... and this is a really cool big toy.

Particularly, that stern lounge area with walkthrough. dash is pretty cool

eventually, maybe even the SVHO's?

Ill expect to see some of these at the ozarks.
Table base in the bow is a great idea? we tend to set a cooler up there as a table. I like that idea for sure.

I just looked up an additional base for my boat, it's $165!! Sheesh
The helm and bow look well done. I really like the led accents and the new idrive control. I will be fabricating swim up seats for my boat. They won't be as elegant as that but really not that hard to do. I agree in that I can't believe that was not a thing long ago. With the filler cushion on the rear lounge and the swim seats that stern is going to be one heck of a hangout as long as kids aren't constantly in and out. Finally there are armrests for the bow too.

The big misses are the upholstery from not being tight to the uneven accents and lines I would not call it luxury. folks will slip forward on those lounges. A better seat mack and ability to ramp the leg portion would have made that a home run for its intended use. Price point seems a bit high on the top end model knowing the average MSRP wiggle room in most of the boat market and the are now coming with joystick docking controls.

Hopefully things like the arm rests, svho engine option, swim up seats, and idrive paddles make it further down the model line. It may even be possible to reposition the engines in the 24ft boats such that those lounges could be incorporated there.

WHERE IS THE TOWER TOW POINT? I don't see one. That would be a giant miss.
So... food for thought.

What if they made the reversible seats not reversible and had the pads on lower deck on hinges so you could fold those up to extend the leg area on back loungers.

If you wanted to take it a step further leg posts on each of the wings and have a filler cushion back there instead of the backs on hinges.

Have an I Denton in middle so getting on boat via ladder is still available.
Overall pretty cool. Lot's of nice features. Still having trouble with that windshield profile though.
Was seriously looking forward to this. We have some very shallow waters to get through but then can head out into the Atlantic. Our 240 limits the days we can do that. This isn't what I was hoping for. First of all, the price ( :oops: ) which IMO puts it up against some very serious competition particularly for boaters for whom shallow draft is not a concern. How the hell do you justify almost double the price for an extra couple of feet? Quilted seats?
IMO as others have said there's a lot to like and a lot to hate about this design. The side profile with that window frame evokes yacht design. Good. But then the windshield doesn't line up. Bad. Dumb looking, actually. And the shin testers at the side of the swim platform? Even dumber - but maybe they'll make more sense in person. The seats off the back seem like fun but I see a big after market for replacement ones as they get wrecked/lost - I can also think of some mods!
The one thing I haven't seen referred to yet here is the walk through. Yeah, I see a drop in wedge shaped "weir" in one of the pictures but anyone else thinking "the first time I hit the brakes hard for some reason, the inside is getting absolutely washed!" Probably even over the 2" lip to the sunken head compartment.
Do we need to a new section for jet yachters?
So they lost the true 2 tier platform, made it tough to work on the engines,(oil filter alone will be tough), lost storage space, only 90 gallon fuel tank for 2 svho engines. Blind spot front side window pillars, very low windshield hight, etc
100k for no bimini, 115k with bimini, 130 hard top..... i dont see this being a flying off the shelf boat like their ofthers
[QUOTE="but anyone else thinking "the first time I hit the brakes hard for some reason, the inside is getting absolutely washed!" Probably even over the 2" lip to the sunken head compartment.[/QUOTE]

Man that is a really good point, I didn't notice that until you said something. Be prepared for the title wave when coming off plane. The stern radio on my 242 sits higher than that lip and it is completely trashed from water ingestion. I guess we can now do a reverse sub move!
honestly, it looks really freaking nice!
[QUOTE="but anyone else thinking "the first time I hit the brakes hard for some reason, the inside is getting absolutely washed!" Probably even over the 2" lip to the sunken head compartment.

Man that is a really good point, I didn't notice that until you said something. Be prepared for the title wave when coming off plane. The stern radio on my 242 sits higher than that lip and it is completely trashed from water ingestion. I guess we can now do a reverse sub move!

You can counter this if you want/remember to put the divider in!
The helm and bow look well done. I really like the led accents and the new idrive control. I will be fabricating swim up seats for my boat. They won't be as elegant as that but really not that hard to do. I agree in that I can't believe that was not a thing long ago. With the filler cushion on the rear lounge and the swim seats that stern is going to be one heck of a hangout as long as kids aren't constantly in and out. Finally there are armrests for the bow too.

The big misses are the upholstery from not being tight to the uneven accents and lines I would not call it luxury. folks will slip forward on those lounges. A better seat mack and ability to ramp the leg portion would have made that a home run for its intended use. Price point seems a bit high on the top end model knowing the average MSRP wiggle room in most of the boat market and the are now coming with joystick docking controls.

Hopefully things like the arm rests, svho engine option, swim up seats, and idrive paddles make it further down the model line. It may even be possible to reposition the engines in the 24ft boats such that those lounges could be incorporated there.

WHERE IS THE TOWER TOW POINT? I don't see one. That would be a giant miss.

@Mainah I think it would be neat to angle them a bit on the 24' boats to leave room in the center for people entering the boat by ladder. Or have the option to swing them left to right if you wanted to position them at different angles.

@Mainah make it easy and lock into the tie down strap already on boat.