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27' new Yamaha model 275 jet boat to be unveil Thursday at the Miami Boat Show

Hey, @JetBoatPilot , I'm already sensing demand for a new product line from you: in-water seats and brackets!
You think if mounted to a large plate, as large or larger than the booster would still allow to much torque or localized pressure on the hull?

If plates were sandwiched on both sides and through bolted at their outer edge that would aleviate what I see as a concern. We hare talking many foot lbs of torque with the seat extended at least a foot away from the attachment point and a 200lb occupant. The tie down bolt points or the inside of the hull are both close together and have limited surface area. I could be wrong but I think this is a whole different type of force than the booster.
Hey, @JetBoatPilot , I'm already sensing demand for a new product line from you: in-water seats and brackets!

I agree. Says patent pending but depening what is covered there maybe a different way. Would be nice if Yamaha offered as an accessory kit at a decent price. I know there have been delam issues with the thicker seadeck but a thicker seadek pad would not be a bad thing either.
The base model is nuts at 100K and ZERO sun protection, who is the target audience for that? Alaska? Other than that, it's a cool toy.
Just confirmed that there is NO tow point on the tower. There will only be 60 of these made for this year and they require a deposit to get on the list.

You are correct, none of the 3 models have a tower tow point. I guess this is not their target market. I don't see a lower tow point either (other than the tie downs)
The base model is nuts at 100K and ZERO sun protection, who is the target audience for that? Alaska? Other than that, it's a cool toy.

Potentially as a tender...no tower makes it low and easier to fit into your yacht! :-)
Potentially as a tender...no tower makes it low and easier to fit into your yacht! :)

I'm unsure why, but I hadn't considered this usage until this very moment. at only $5k lbs and no outdrive to worry about this makes it a REALLY interesting choice for that!
Are Yamaha capable of making a Premium, luxury boat?
IMO no, with their past record and appalling dealer net work, how can it work? I love the look and the new innovative ideas are great, I love it when companies keep pushing. I guess, as mentioned, the gas consumption will be horrendous but I’m sure Yamaha have tested in a real world usage. If I’m going to spend $100k plus on a boat, do I deal with a “biker” salesman, do I fix the leaks that my boat comes with as a standard Yamaha fixture, do I rectify all the factory defects, do I put up with sub-standard materials used on my boat, of course not.
I just feel maybe, just maybe Yamaha are pushing/stepping outside their market.
You are correct, none of the 3 models have a tower tow point. I guess this is not their target market. I don't see a lower tow point either (other than the tie downs)

The lower handle in these boats serves as a tow point. You can see that in this photo Yamaha just sent me:

tow handle.jpg
How unexciting. I love wakeboarding off a raised tow point.... with that said, I'll probably never own this boat so it will never affect me. :D
I am curious anyone know if this will handle better in rough water? We use our 242 limited in the bay but can take a real beating crossing certain areas and rarely take it out in the ocean because of how poorly it handles waives and swells. Can it be left docked in salt water all summer or would a lift be needed? I personally love the look but cannot believe how expensive the extra 3 feet is.
Dang. She's a big sucker.

I dunno. Yamaha jumped the shark for me a few years back. I'm still more than happy with my SX230. Straightforward, no electronics, minimal stuff to break - and most of it I can fix myself (in many cases making it better than the original).

Obviously that's just me though. I'm sure their marketing people have this all sorted out.

I hope for their sake it does well.
@Julian posted up lots of great photos in two different threads.

As for the swim seats the tie downs concern me from a torque force to square inch of pressure perspective. I do think angling is a good idea and already part of my plan. I just put in a order for parts that I think will work with no fab beyond drilling, bolting, and mounting a closed cell round foam covered piece of HDPE for the seat. I am curious as to what others will come up with so keeping the parts list under wraps until I confirm and others come up with something too.
Angling might work better. But keep in mind our jet pumps are further back and you would probably be banging your legs off them.
Little more then 108k though :/


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Gotta say, for $130K I wish it had a windlass. I'm not hauling the anchor myself at that price, lol.
The lower handle in these boats serves as a tow point. You can see that in this photo Yamaha just sent me:

I just couldn't wrap my head around them not having a tow point on that boat. I'm glad to see they have one.