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27' new Yamaha model 275 jet boat to be unveil Thursday at the Miami Boat Show

5000 lbs is very light for a 27foot by 9foot boat. Dont see this as a rough water boat either
Hard to see, but it does look like there is a tow point under the hard top:

Upgrading already?

haha no! I'm still in love with my boat that I don't have yet. Can't wait till march when I take delivery. This 27 footer is waaay beyond my needs / budget
Any trace of the clean out ports???
I love some of the features. I would love to do a mod on a swim-up seating on my ar240. I think the window is ugly. if I had $100,000 + I would not purchase this boat. I would go elsewhere. it almost seems like yamaha's pricing themselves out of the jet boat Market with this boat.
@Julian posted up lots of great photos in two different threads.

As for the swim seats the tie downs concern me from a torque force to square inch of pressure perspective. I do think angling is a good idea and already part of my plan. I just put in a order for parts that I think will work with no fab beyond drilling, bolting, and mounting a closed cell round foam covered piece of HDPE for the seat. I am curious as to what others will come up with so keeping the parts list under wraps until I confirm and others come up with something too.
Looks like all of the seats and hatches have improved seals and added foam for what I believe will be much improved noise control.
the seats. no. totally pointless for me. in the way of people jumpin off and climbin in. lol

B- for effort though

but methinks those are aimed at the 'tie your boat up to other boats all day and get just get drunk' demographic.. not families with small kids. MY family would break those in minutes. lol or the people sitting there would be soaked and cranky :)

besides, thats why you flip your lifejacket on upside down aka "diaper up" jump in and float for hours.

if i had 130k to pee away, Id probably buy this. just never use those.
We boat exclusively with our 2 kids, age 2 and 7. We back into beach areas so we can sit at the stern and watch them on the beach. I would use those seats ALL. THE. TIME!
I think I figured out the windshield design...it is designed to catch and channel wind over the windshield instead of around it, creating more downforce in the bow, negating, in their eyes, the need for trim tabs on a boat this size. Yacht Class certified.;)

Edit: I'd like to see the boat balanced with all those "yacht certified" people moving around the boat. Great ballast if you are surfing or healing over in a sailboat, but I dont like even a few degrees list at speed in the Yamaha. LOVE Trim Tabs.
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Just confirmed that there is NO tow point on the tower. There will only be 60 of these made for this year and they require a deposit to get on the list.
the seats. no. totally pointless for me. in the way of people jumpin off and climbin in. lol

B- for effort though

but methinks those are aimed at the 'tie your boat up to other boats all day and get just get drunk' demographic.. not families with small kids. MY family would break those in minutes. lol or the people sitting there would be soaked and cranky :)

besides, thats why you flip your lifejacket on upside down aka "diaper up" jump in and float for hours.

if i had 130k to pee away, Id probably buy this. just never use those.

As enthusiastic as I am about the swim seats I do agree they will be pointless with kids constantly on or off (been there and loved it). They do present an unseen underwater hazard if playing behind the boat too. Our normal day outing routine is to cruise to our tow sports cove and start right off with some tow sports. We then pull off to a spot there where people just float. We eat, float, and relax (this is where we would use them). After that more tow sports and then back to floating for a bit (again where we would use those). Our youngest is 15 and all of ours kids like to relax when we float. We also go to a couple floating concerts each year and like to visit two places where folks just anchor to float where there is usual a crowd. Early football season there is a place where folks watch the games on the beach or floating.

While my boat is named Liquid Therapy we are not drunks but do enjoy a couple of beverages while on the water while stopped and certainly don't operate impaired. The use case of the boat differs by location and point in life for many. If I still lived up north where the water temp does not break 80 they would be pointless for me. Living where the air temp and sun are hot and the water is more like a luke warm bath change things are the water provides some relief from the heat without putting you into shock. I still miss when my kids were much younger and making the most of our smaller boats splashing around together with giant smiles, laughing, etc.. My opinion is that this new 275 series is not aimed at mass market young families. I think this is primarily aimed at a more mature buyer who seeks cruising and lounging. Not for us at this time but I could envision a future where this or something similar is what we desire. For now I know we would enjoy those seats in particular when we go out with my brother and his wife who now live close by.

I can say for certain this is one mod that my wife will demand once I tell her about it and If I don't do it in a timely manner she will likely grab the boat and pay someone through the nose to do it.
The swim seats are awesome, but like others have said for those of us who boat with younger kids that swim deck is an active place. I am more than happy to use the saddle floats where I can slide out of the way of someone jumping in and come right back. Plus that saves me $100,000 depending on what they would give me on a trade in.
.......I can say for certain this is one mod that my wife will demand once I tell her about it and If I don't do it in a timely manner she will likely grab the boat and pay someone through the nose to do it.

Wife has already seen the video and asked when I'll be engineering and building a set......I feel your pain.
As enthusiastic as I am about the swim seats I do agree they will be pointless with kids constantly on or off (been there and loved it). They do present an unseen underwater hazard if playing behind the boat too. Our normal day outing routine is to cruise to our tow sports cove and start right off with some tow sports. We then pull off to a spot there where people just float. We eat, float, and relax (this is where we would use them). After that more tow sports and then back to floating for a bit (again where we would use those). Our youngest is 15 and all of ours kids like to relax when we float. We also go to a couple floating concerts each year and like to visit two places where folks just anchor to float where there is usual a crowd. Early football season there is a place where folks watch the games on the beach or floating.

While my boat is named Liquid Therapy we are not drunks but do enjoy a couple of beverages while on the water while stopped and certainly don't operate impaired. The use case of the boat differs by location and point in life for many. If I still lived up north where the water temp does not break 80 they would be pointless for me. Living where the air temp and sun are hot and the water is more like a luke warm bath change things are the water provides some relief from the heat without putting you into shock. I still miss when my kids were much younger and making the most of our smaller boats splashing around together with giant smiles, laughing, etc.. My opinion is that this new 275 series is not aimed at mass market young families. I think this is primarily aimed at a more mature buyer who seeks cruising and lounging. Not for us at this time but I could envision a future where this or something similar is what we desire. For now I know we would enjoy those seats in particular when we go out with my brother and his wife who now live close by.

I can say for certain this is one mod that my wife will demand once I tell her about it and If I don't do it in a timely manner she will likely grab the boat and pay someone through the nose to do it.
Sending her picture now
@Julian posted up lots of great photos in two different threads.

As for the swim seats the tie downs concern me from a torque force to square inch of pressure perspective. I do think angling is a good idea and already part of my plan. I just put in a order for parts that I think will work with no fab beyond drilling, bolting, and mounting a closed cell round foam covered piece of HDPE for the seat. I am curious as to what others will come up with so keeping the parts list under wraps until I confirm and others come up with something too.
You think if mounted to a large plate, as large or larger than the booster would still allow to much torque or localized pressure on the hull?