Ok so I'm seriously questioning my sanity here but I'm compelled to explain my comments here for one reason and only one reason... what Ronnie just wrote. I spent a lot of time on this forum trying to share my knowledge and learn from others. My post count to reaction score ratio shows how effective my efforts must have been. I haven't been on here in about a year, except for a post a few months ago showing everyone how I fixed my cracking Shoreland'r trailer fenders.
If anyone wants to waste time reading garbage, these last threads might shine a little light on why I called "Karma" on this thread's subject.
Yes, obviously my "hahaha", "lol" and "more lolz" was pretty harsh. But you all should see by swatski's lack of/delayed response that he knew EXACTLY what I meant and why I said it. For a long time he was my biggest fan. Seriously, like puppy dog following you around fan. I obviously did something to him, to this day I have no idea what, and he turned on me. He turned HARD. He sh!t talked every post I made. He clicked "dislike" on every single post of mine, then after being called out on it, he reversed the dislikes. I tried to tell the membership here what kind of person he REALLY is, but of course I was the bad guy. He's not a good person. I realized with him vehemently against me and everything I said, it didn't make sense for me to stick around. That's why I left. And as Ronnie so perfectly said, life is better when you're not wasting it on internet forums. If I'm not learning and sharing, I'm wasting my time. Swatski ended my learning and sharing on this forum, and in a way I thank him for that. Sometimes you need a reality check on what internet forums really are.
Here is why when I stumbled onto this thread I had so many "lolz"...
1- I spent many posts on here pointing out that tuning ANY engine without logging the results is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and strongly discouraged it. In case you all have forgotten, that's exactly what swatski did, he had his engines "tuned" (stock calibrations modified) without ANY monitoring of mixtures/knock/exhaust temps/fuel requirements/etc. I tried to tell him this was insanity. I was attacked.
2- Not only has his engine calibrations been modified from stock, many things around and in the engine has been "modified". (I'm being nice and not calling it what it actually was). He's not even using the recommended oil in the engines. (No, we don't need an oil debate here. I have over 4 decades of experience with engine building and failure analysis and MY OPINION is he was using the wrong oil.) The exhaust and intake systems were modified from stock, and again, in my opinion done incorrectly. The cooling system was obviously compromised by these modifications. The exhaust temps were not only compromised by the aftermarket engine calibrations, but by "sound deadening" modifications done incorrectly.
3- This one's not going to be popular on here but he was using the boat in a matter it wasn't designed for. These Yamaha's ARE NOT WAKESURF BOATS. If wakesurfing is the most common thing you do with your boat, you should probably buy a wakesurf boat. lol. Again, this boat was heavily modified to do something it wasn't built to do. It was operated in a way it wasn't intended to be operated. (Don't bother bringing up Yamaha's marketing claims, they're simply that, marketing.)
4- I read 9 pages of people trying to diagnose the issue through the internet. Sorry but that's always funny to me. I know you're all trying to help and be nice, but you can't diagnose anything you can't see or know anything about.
5- The shop that has the boat, supposedly the most amazing shop with the most amazing mechanic working in it has had the boat for weeks (MONTHS?) and still has no idea what's wrong with it. Really?
6- The most amazing shop and mechanic spends time and the customer's money for weeks, gives it back to the customer, he takes it out and quickly discovers IT'S STILL BROKEN. Really? Oh yeah and the 40 quarts of oil was pretty funny too. WTF????
7- The most amazing shop and mechanic has to call Yamaha to figure out what's wrong with the engine. Hahaha. In my 33 years as a GM Journeyman tech I called GM
ZERO times to ask them how to diagnose a problem. If you're calling the factory to diagnose a problem, you're lost.
8- Which brings me to the disturbing part... The mention of warranty coverage. IF this engine gets warrantied by Yamaha or YES, it's INSURANCE FRAUD, plain and simple. That's not a laughing matter. You and I all pay for somebodies negligence. I'm not a fan of that.
9- Lastly, here's a quote from swatski from the thread where I cautioned against Riva's tuning without logging...
"The only way to know where the limits are is to go and break them. Then you know."
Yep, he found out the limits.
I'm not going to get into any big battles on here. I explained my obnoxious comments. Take it or leave it, like me or hate me, it's all good. To those like Ronnie that appreciated the things I tried to share on here, THANKS! For those that hang out on internet forums to only gather post counts or sell merchandise, good luck with that. And for people that don't have good, kind, pure souls but instead do things that aren't honest, fair or right and hurt others in the process, Karma's a beeaatch. lol.