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Ballast and Wake-wedge

I wish I had a wedge for my last 2 weeks on the water. I was rocking 2000# ballast + 1400# human ballast and had a crazy wake... I mean, makes a wake setter jealous kind of wave. That said, my platform (surf side) was under water and I had to be careful not to swamp. I had jetski's and seadoo's swarming my wake behind my riders (saw one go almost 3' airborne).

I had our local Malibu dealer who I know really well amazed how the wake looks! He never thought he would see it!! He's been trying for 3 years to sell me a new Malibu but he said looks like I might not now!! Hoping to get him out some Saturday with me!
Just for a FYI , I have two 300 bags under my front seats and when I surf I fill them with my plumed ballast , they fill quick prob about 3-4 min , the pocket is long !!! Prob about 14-16 feat back , but when the wife surfs she likes more push so we empty them !!!here is a pic with no front weight View attachment 22928
I have a sx210. Looking for what you are running for weight and where you place it? What kind of bags? Any info would be great and same me some time learning what works and does not. Thanks again.
@THALL we are on vacation so we will get back to you asap.
I will give you a good right up when I get back :)
Here is a pic with max weight View attachment 22930
Just for a FYI , I have two 300 bags under my front seats and when I surf I fill them with my plumed ballast , they fill quick prob about 3-4 min , the pocket is long !!! Prob about 14-16 feat back , but when the wife surfs she likes more push so we empty them !!!here is a pic with no front weight View attachment 22928

What is the ballast set up on this picture? Looks like a great wave.
What is the minimum water depth you guys are surfing in? The advantage of driving these jets boats in shallow water seems to be counterproductive when it comes to making a big wave with my factory ballast. Thoughts on a minimum?
What is the minimum water depth you guys are surfing in? The advantage of driving these jets boats in shallow water seems to be counterproductive when it comes to making a big wave with my factory ballast. Thoughts on a minimum?

Not sure on the minimum but as a general wake surfing rule its best to find deepest and calmest water you can. You need water displacement for surfing so if it's shallow underneath the boat there's not a lot to work with.
What is the minimum water depth you guys are surfing in? The advantage of driving these jets boats in shallow water seems to be counterproductive when it comes to making a big wave with my factory ballast. Thoughts on a minimum?
You need atleast 10' . You have to have water to displace water.