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Custom wake booster on 242x


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242X E-Series
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Video link at bottom (I don’t know how to imbed it)
I made a wakebooster out of fiberglass and finished it in some gel coat I had laying around from another boat project. I’m new to surfing and wakeboarding (old snowboarder). Was able to surf rope-less after a couple tries. Since the video I’ve tweaked the setup a bit more last weekend and gotten it cleaned up a bit (will get some videos this weekend hopefully) next I’m tackling the jet wash issues so we can wakeboard a cleaner wake to wake. 9E555787-D88A-47B9-9B31-039C92DD242F.jpeg
Learning to surf and testing custom booster
Testing booster, 242x
Excellent! Did you use a template for size or just estimate?
Excellent! Did you use a template for size or just estimate?
I took screen shots of Yamahas how to video and referenced the rub rail screw spacing for scale. Them made mine out of 1/4” steel first, messed with that cutting it down here and there. Made a mold off the steel version I made and then used the mold to make it out of glass with air pockets to make it float.
That's awesome! Great job!
video of wave and all info LOL looking to build one for my scarab 195 open ID