I've noticed that the efficiency is much more closely tied to motor temps than it is battery temp. I've seen battery temps down in the teens, but once the motors get above about 85-90 deg, the efficiency comes right back up.
The truck is EPA rated at 2.24mi/kWh (446Wh/mi), but I've not seen that as an average anywhere yet. My road trips I was getting 2.4mi/kWh (416Wh/mi), when it was just cool outside. After visiting a DCFC with the battery temps in the 90's, and the motors over 100, I was getting much better numbers. I really think the battery temp has less to do with it than the motor temps. And that tracks mechanically as well, cold grease and oil is harder to push/move around. Once all of that is good and warm the rolling resistance will drop significantly, and the actual kW loading on the battery isn't exceptionally high while just cruising on the interstate. The 40hp-ish required to maintain speed is only 30kW, which is an order of magnitude below the 400kW (533hp) the truck is capable of drawing. So, it continues to track that the rolling resistance is the limiting factor there.
Really though, elevation and wind are far larger contributors to low numbers than weather I think. Heading "up the hill" to go skiing yesterday I got 1.33mi/kWh (752Wh/mi) with the cruise set at 65mph. It was a decent elevation gain (over 1k feet in ~15mi), and we were heading into the wind the whole way. Just a brutal hit on efficiency. Would have hit the Audi the same way though, so no complaints, just an interesting observation.
I'm really curious to see how it does towing this summer. Warm temps will help both the battery and the motors, however the aero load of a boat with a tower will not be doing my any favors. Having home charging though, I see no issues with leaving at 100% SoC when towing. I'm also REALLY curious how launching/retrieving works out. There's no parking brake switch, so I'm just going to have to trust the truck knows what it's doing there and won't roll/slip away. Might take chocks with me the first few times until I'm comfortable with how it all works.