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Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

Sounds like one of our metal fabricator forum friends needs to create a few of these and stamp Jetboaters.net on them.
Sounds like one of our metal fabricator forum friends needs to create a few of these and stamp Jetboaters.net on them.

I'll be doing this swap over the next few days and will probably have to make one since it looks like the others have gone the way of Jimmy Hoffa. If I fab one I'll reply here. Only hiccup timing-wise is that the boats at the marina and I don't know what the gunwale looks like underneath to fabricate the clearance. if someone's got a photo from the back end I could maybe save a day or two.
I ended up pulling the water box and using a regular set of (big) channel locks. Sorry, no wrench fab.


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I am going to replace mine in a few weeks. Just reading a few posts ahead of this one it seems like the scupper wrench is no more. If someone has it pm me.
Hello, I'm looking for this wrench if it's still out there. Dawning from St. Pete, FL. Thank you!
If anyone has one of the wrenches could you please post a picture and dimensions? I am thinking of 3D printing some.
@Lspeedss and @jcyamaharider have crafted custom wrenches to access and change the scupper valves.

I just finished using @Lspeedss's wrench and will be forwarding it on to @Jump Right In .

This thread is here to track who has the wrenches and who needs them next.

This is Lspeedss's wrench


And this is jcyamaharider's


Thank you both for creating the wrenches and making them available to the rest of us!

So who needs them next?
What size is that?
@Lspeedss and @jcyamaharider have crafted custom wrenches to access and change the scupper valves.

I just finished using @Lspeedss's wrench and will be forwarding it on to @Jump Right In .

This thread is here to track who has the wrenches and who needs them next.

This is Lspeedss's wrench


And this is jcyamaharider's


Thank you both for creating the wrenches and making them available to the rest of us!

So who needs them next?
Are these wrenches still floating around? I am going to replace my original plastic scupper on my SX230 with Stainless Steel.
I just installed the ss scupper that had been sitting in my garage for 9 years. One thing to note is to make sure the hose doesn't twist when you clamp it on to the scupper. Mine rotated my scupper about 45 degrees and now that the 3m 5200 has set its not moving ever again. I don't think it's a big deal but just thought I would mention it.