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Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

How do I order one ? Already got the new stainless valve so just need the wrench so I can get started

You just did by posting here. . . . = )

Just have to see if @06CCDMAX needs it first since his post is ahead of yours. Since his last activity was yesterday, I have to give him a little time to respond.
So there is only one ? Hahaha damn someone needs to make and sell them would be much easier lol
So there is only one ? Hahaha damn someone needs to make and sell them would be much easier lol

I thought there were at least 2. . . . . But I can only speak for 1.
At this moment in time I will pass. I made one out of aluminium and I am yet to use it. Have all the stuff just waiting for it to warm up first. If the one I made doesn't work I'll get back on the list. But of it does there will be 3!
Ok @Hollywood , you're up. . . . .PM me your ship to address and I will get it out Monday. Confirm here once in your possession.
How far out is the waiting list?
I should get it today and change mine out next couple days then I can send to u Jeremiah
Just letting everyone know I have the scupper wrench . Whoever needs it next just let me know .
Mine was very stuck, and I could not get it to turn with the scupper wrench, so I tried a sink wrench, and eventually worked it loose, possibly by breaking the plastic old one in the end. If you think you will need a sink wrench in the future, it's a worthwhile investment.
My tip on the scupper replacement got buried on page 12ish of the thread on how to.....


Above is the link to my pic....basically...assemble it outside the bilge by disconnecting it at the cabin end, slide the big nut over the hose.....otherwise you are trying to push the hose on the barb end inside the bilge...which is no fun! BE CAREFUL with the connection at the cabin end....it is as weak as the other end...don't break it when pulling it off!
Aloha, how can i get in line for the wrenches?