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Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

I finished my with channel locks. I thought the job was easy but my 12 year old scupper valve was in great shape. I had to break it off. I really thought it would be more brittle.

I've heard of a few and far between OEM Scuppers that were still in good shape. At least now you have peace of mind. I wasn't in a rush to do mine, but when I did, it broke off. So I feel much better too.
I just received the scupper...have the parts in hand and will tackle the job this weekend! Thanks for sending out the wrench...to Hawaii! You guys rock.

Just changed out the bilge pump as well to a 800gph pump and attached a float switch as well so I don't need to have the helm switch on if taking on water. What a bunch of gymnastics that is to replace the mounting plate for the bilge pump...don't wish that on anyone!!! The pump will either be on demand at the switch or auto activate on the float switch. Another aspect of peace of mind.
I have new SS scupper in hand.
Can I get added to the wrench forwarding please?
@Weebs74 and @Foot55 your best bet is to go back through the posts and figure out who got the wrench last and ping them.....I've been trying to get people to post that they HAVE it...but not been successful at that!
@Lspeedss and @jcyamaharider have crafted custom wrenches to access and change the scupper valves.

I just finished using @Lspeedss's wrench and will be forwarding it on to @Jump Right In .

This thread is here to track who has the wrenches and who needs them next.

This is Lspeedss's wrench


And this is jcyamaharider's


Thank you both for creating the wrenches and making them available to the rest of us!

So who needs them next?
please add me to the list mine is shot out 2014 242limited need new scupper
@Weebs74 and @Foot55 your best bet is to go back through the posts and figure out who got the wrench last and ping them.....I've been trying to get people to post that they HAVE it...but not been successful at that!
I have it!!! Though I sent it to foot55. He just received the wrench.
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Just need an address and it is out of here.

Do you still have the scupper wrench? I may try changing mine out this weekend.

Let me know. Thanks!
I just got the wrench in the mail today from Weebs74. I have a JBN friend helping me change it this Saturday. I can mail out after that.
Looks like Jerry Ferrera has next. Supposedly, there are 2 other wrenches out there too.
I just got the wrench in the mail today from Weebs74. I have a JBN friend helping me change it this Saturday. I can mail out after that.
Looks like Jerry Ferrera has next. Supposedly, there are 2 other wrenches out there too.
Thanks I could use it
I just put mine in with channel locks tonight.... hope it holds :-O
please send me your address and I will forward it to you......

FYI - I am currently in possession of the scupper wrench. Let me know when it is needed.
I ordered the scupper today would like to be put on the list for the tool. Thanks, Brian.
I ordered the scupper today would like to be put on the list for the tool. Thanks, Brian.

I am sooooo sorry, I am not sure how I missed this. Please let me know if you still need it and I will get out ASAP. Otherwise, I will get it over to @Hollywood if you no longer need it.

*****If you are in need of the wrench certainly post to the board as a matter of record for the order. However, I would ALSO recommend sending a direct message to the individual of record who has it (so they don't miss the board post as I did). ******
How do I order one ? Already got the new stainless valve so just need the wrench so I can get started