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Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

Aloha, how can i get in line for the wrenches?

I don’t believe that you need a special wrench to change the scupper on an LX210. The need is primarily an issue for 230s.
Well I ordered a SS Scupper any idea on who has the wrenches?
I don’t believe that you need a special wrench to change the scupper on an LX210. The need is primarily an issue for 230s.
I just purchased a 2015 AR240, i wouldn't need these wrenches to change out the scupper?
I just purchased a 2015 AR240, i wouldn't need these wrenches to change out the scupper?

You do not need the wrench or to change the scupper. It is above the waterline so no big deal if it fails.
Well I ordered a SS Scupper any idea on who has the wrenches?

Scroll back through the thread and see who has them. There should be two or three floating around.
If someone has the scupper wrench I'd love to be added to the list..I'll pay it backward by sending ya a six pack
I don't think that would work based on my experience.
I actually used a pair of channel lock pliers. It wasn't the best took but did work.
Scupper wrench??? Can I get in line? Also was advised against using 5200 and was told to use 4200??? preference?
I don't think that would work based on my experience.
Funny....I was going to reply that I would think that would work....actually looks narrower than the scupper wrench I used. Is the length what you are concerned about?
Scupper wrench??? Can I get in line? Also was advised against using 5200 and was told to use 4200??? preference?
Either will work but 4200 fast cure is what I would use.
Checking in on the scupper wrench's. Just bought a replacement scupper for my boat. Going to be interesting to replace since I have yet to remove my cleanout plugs!
Oh no! I will look into what might be required to assist.
If the wrenches are available I’m interested in changing out my scupper. I have the parts. I was able to get a slip lease for the next few years at my home lake!
Does anyone have one of the wrenches? I would love to borrow