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How Amazon’s Square Deal policy on tubes/towables works


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For context, most boat owners know that tubes/towables are or can get expensive ($300 to $500) fast and unless you buy from Costco or get an extended warranty/repair or return policy, you get the “out of sight warranty”, that is, once you leave their site after the sale, your warranty is over. The bigger the tube the heavier it is, which will impact shipping costs if any.

So in late 2018 I bought a large tube off amazon, air head mega rockstar, 6 person capacity, over 50 lbs. and retailed at the time for around $450, i got it for $80, $90 with the 4 year Square Trade extended warranty. Two years later the tube starts to leak, I make an online claim by getting my purchasing info from amazon And following The links therein. Very easy. With 24 hours I get a few emails asking about my claim, to provide receipts, etc. These are the up to three actions they will take in this order: 1.Repair, 2.Replacement, 3.Refund.

About two or three days in they let me know by email that they cannot find a comparable replacement, I’m thinking cool I’m going to get a new one, nope, I got a refund (well maybe not yet) for my purchase price minus the cost of the extended warrant, $80. Fair and square? Sure but I can’t buy a replacement tube for $80. I’ve gotten a lot of good use from the tube and it didn’t cost much so I am not complaining but if I buy anymore tubes they will be from Costco, no option or need to buy an extended warranty, no forms to fill out or waiting period But no sub $100 large tubes either.
