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Long term effects of aftermarket fins

Does the added stress of aftermarket fins damage the boat over time?

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I have driven boats with the fins and they do improve steering. Just don't think they are necessarily and we don't pull skiers.
I have learned that there are people who like the way jet boats handle stock and people who dislike it. Over the years I have personally heard so many people tell me the same thing that I felt when I first drove my jet boat, they were so unhappy that they felt they made a huge mistake and if the steering did not solve the problem they were selling the boat and they would take a loss just to get rid of it. This is reality !
I strongly believe Yamaha finally realized that putting rudders on their boats would open up a larger market and improve the desirability of their product to attract a larger market, they finally realized that they needed to make the boats a family boat and a utility boat to compete.
Products evolve to meet the market , I too made numerous changes to meet the market, Bigger fins, adjustable fins, spring loaded fins, jet thrust activated selectable fins , Planing fins, power steering fins, so many advances from the original fixed fins back in the beginning when I was asked by Yamaha jet boat owners to make steering for their boats, there is quite a record of all this back on the old Yamaha jet boaters web page.
The one thing I don't understand is many THOUSANDS of people enjoy THEIR boats with improved handling and improved versatility from adding a steering system why should anyone question or criticize them for doing what they like on THEIR boat ? Its baffling to me.
They don't get criticized for adding a different depth finder or Bimini top etc . nor does anyone get scolded for telling people their opinion of the particular mod they did what ever it is. So they chose to improve the boats handling, the one big thing that haunted jet boats for decades and in doing so they now enjoy their boat more.
Enjoying you boat, one that you pay hard earned money for and you go out and unwind on or play on or make have time on is what it's all about it's, a personal preference .
A Yamaha jet boat setup with extra steering may not be for some but it is what a lot of people want by choice .
There is certainly nothing wrong with it. What would be wrong would be to let someone convince them that they need to learn to drive the boat as is and in doing so they get frustrated with it or crash it or injure someone.
So everyone is different and we need to understand that the only way to drive a boat is the way that makes you happy and comfortable for the safety of your boat your self and your family. Go watch the video running the river of death over on the old board I was there when a stock jet boat being driven by a seasoned operator was overtaken by another boats wake and he ended up driving right into the mangroves even when he floored it in reverse to try and stop once he realized he could not cut out of the wake.
Just one example that I was there personally and witnessed it. The other thing about the kicking of fins I designed the most versatile and my most popular steering system with 3/16 thick aluminum fins with nothing between them under the nozzle, with rounded ends and no sharp edges, and spring loaded so if the hit something or a foot they flip up they are not fixed nor are they the lowest point of the back of the boat unless it is on a 19 foot boat and a jet boat should never be backed up to a beach with the hull or fins sitting on or close to the ground although I have seen it often it is a bad idea not just if the boat bounces onto someone's foot but it also allows rocks, trash, shells etc to get washed into the intake grate. And it is a big concern for the factory rudders since they are at the lowest point of the hull. If you view the twin engine steering for the keel boats that I make you will see that the fins are NOT close to the ground thus the V configuration , the rudder would hit the ground way before the fins could.
I'm not saying fins are good or bad . Good for some people and others don't need them.
For us. 3 Yamaha's and no fins . we learned how to drive a jet boat a long time ago.

Well I misunderstood the point of your previous comment about learning how to drive a jet boat as condescending , perhaps you would clear that up as other people possibly took it the wrong way also, thanks. And here is a perfect example of how one of my model specific systems made a big difference for someone who was not enjoying his boat, https://jetboaters.net/threads/buyers-remorse.13510/ It makes me feel like all the effort I put into this project all these years is appreciated.
I can't believe that any one of us would not be happy for this person, even if he did not need to earn his wings so to speak and he just fast forwarded to the "I can drive this boat like I have been doing it for decades and I love it mode.
My steering systems are a pure performance modification for your jet boats, like race cars they work on handling performance.
I deal with handling performance and that is very rewarding, better handling at ALL speeds from idle to W OT and in between, off power control ,collision avoidance , better watersport handling, guest operator control and confidence and the ADMIRAL gets to drive the boat and have fun and everyone goes home smiling with less dock rash on the hull.
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For what it's worth at this point, I'm on my 2nd jet boat, both yammies, and both equipped with fins. I had my LS2000 for a season without them so I cut my teeth like many and I'm very happy to sit here and type that I very much enjoy the fins. In retrospect I wish that I would have also purchased the fangs to go along with, but I have yet to do so. In regards to the OPs question, I cannot state with any certain fact that they will or will not damage the boat long term, but I can say that I have had no issues at all over 4 years and two boats.

Beyond that bit of information the other note I would make is that it seems this thread got fairly aggressive pretty quick, which surprises me. I have been on here and received nothing but helpful feedback from several members, and I think it's important that there be a sense of community when it comes to these forums. It makes me almost sad to think that if I have a question at all I might be nailed to the cross for asking it... that's just my .02.
I'm on my second jet boat with the third set of fins. Currently I have the Magnum AKs on my 242 and like them. This boat handles much more predictably and does not wanter nearly as much as the old 232 did.

Although I can drive this boat without a fuss, one reason I added fins is because there will be times when I want to surf/board and having fins on it makes it easier for others to drive the boat... I believe fins give the boat a more predictable feel that when others drive makes them more comfortable...which in turn makes me more comfortable.
I also had a very positive experience with the fins. 14 years with my 18ft seadoo sportster, and i could maneuver that thing like it had a joystick.

Take out the sail that is my sx230 and realize i have no control compared to the seadoo. Terrible.

I put the fins on, i get it back to the same level of control i had on the seadoo before.

I'm very happy with my purchase.

The fins don't extend forward enough that it had caused anyone to impact them with their feet yet.
Could i have figured it out eventually? Sure
Does it make it easier and more enjoyable for me? You bet.
Works for me.
@Cobra Jet Steering LLC still scratch my head on this perpetual thread. I put bigger tires on my truck (Toyota had 18" ... LOOKS BETTER), I removed the prior owner of my home's ceiling fans (MOVES MORE AIR), I wear polarized sunglasses to REDUCE GLARE, over the years I've invested "a little money" to improve many experiences or to enhance utility. Your product makes my 242 LS have BETTER LOW SPEED HANDLING. For a little extra money for your fins a very good product (the OEM jetboat) is made a little bit better. I've never had a gel coat repair, but I think your fin investment is less expensive than repairing a sizeable dock ding, which I would surely have had sans fins. Could I have navigated my waters with the OEM jetboat ... sure but why bother with the added stress or potential foibles of docking. Thanks for the product and the improved experience it provides me.