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New Boat Owner from Afghanistan (for now)

Joseph Baxter

Jet Boat Addict
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I like the underwater LEDs you installed. How hard was that? Currently the boat is in the shop getting a total audio overhaul, but I'm having problems with the shop. I am worried about the outcome. More HP is always a plus.
Well the hardest part was actually pulling the trigger on the drill...it took me 15-20 minutes. I was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!!! After that it was pretty simple...run wire and tap into existing LED...and I sealed the bejeezus out of it...I put sealant in the holes...sealant on the screws...sealant on the back of the lights...and once that set I sealed around the lights themselves...and once that dried...I sealed it again. I have weighed it down with sealant. When we put it on the water I checked it every few hours and no leaks.