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New jet boater power and rooster tail 195s


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I’m brand new to jet boats, and looking for advice to figure out a few issues I’m having. I recently bought a 2021 Yamaha 195s. I have only added the Thrust vector for slow speed control (nervous docker). We are having a couple issues. Seams power is is fluctuating at times I have plenty and other won’t get out of its own way. Have only reached 42mph which concerns me when reading others getting close to 50. Most recently pulling two friends of mine on a tube. Both equal in size and weight. One at a time of course . Could throw one around like he was nothing then switched and could hardly do anything with the next and throwing one hell of a rooster tail. The rooster tail being the last but annoying issue. I suppose also at times seeing vapor and or smoke coming out from the back during the hole shot when initially taking off pulling someone. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
The vapor off the exhaust is normal. It is water cooled exhaust and when getting on plane it is out of the water.

42 mph is not normal for that engine and boat IMO. What is your altitude? Not sure why power would be fluctuating that much. Anyone or anything in the bow will scrub several mph off that boat as well. Check all spark plugs are seated good and all electrical connections are good. Water in gas can also cause poor performance.

The spray from the jets is annoying for sure. They make some inflatable balls to help and a longer rope also helps.
My power and top speed dropped off when I topped off the oil level. After reading these threads, I found out that these boats run the best when the oil level is halfway between the low and high dot levels on the dipstick. If it’s over filled, they can also foul the air filter, coat the plugs with oil, and further reduce power. The power can get better and worse as the oil burns off of the pugs, and coats them again. Some have found the oil over-filled from the factory. My boat re-gained about 4-5 mph after sucking the extra oil back out. It runs 49 with 3 people on board, and gains another 3-4 mph when the air temp is below 70. She hit 53 in the early spring. It was struggling to hit mid 40’s with the oil topped off. I absolutely have to do a 1 minute top speed run every 3rd trip or so. If the lake looks like glass, I’m hauling ass. (For at least 30 seconds until my wife starts yelling to slow down).
The vapor off the exhaust is normal. It is water cooled exhaust and when getting on plane it is out of the water.

42 mph is not normal for that engine and boat IMO. What is your altitude? Not sure why power would be fluctuating that much. Anyone or anything in the bow will scrub several mph off that boat as well. Check all spark plugs are seated good and all electrical connections are good. Water in gas can also cause poor performance.

The spray from the jets is annoying for sure. They make some inflatable balls to help and a longer rope also helps.
Altitude where we were is 3900. Hit 42 at same lake with just my lady and I in the boat. She was sitting shot gun. Not much weight in bow or anywhere in boat at all. I was curious if the spray was from thrust vector. My friend described the rooster tail to get shot in the face with a shot gun. Doesn’t sound enjoyable. Probably my 7th time out. I followed the break in process to the T cause I’m a little ocd. Just trying to figure it out. Wonder if I needed to remove thrust vector cause I wasn’t having issues docking with out or if they make a spray skirt. Thanks for the reply.
3900 is pretty high I think. That could definitely have an impact. Plus if it’s warm and/or humid, the DA (density altitude) can be quite a bit higher. As an example, I’m at 1500 ft but the DA was over 3000 ft the other day.

If you want more info and can’t find the other thread, let me know and I’ll try and find it
My ‘21 195s with 2 adults and 2 kids on board with a full tank of fuel, cooler, and gears runs about 45 or so in clean water at around 1,000’. This past week at sea level with 4 adults and 2 kids with all the same, I still ran 45 top in the bay. After break in, with an almost empty boat, my wife and I ran 49 by ourselves with 1/2 tank at around 900’ with water like glass. Mine is all stock, so I don’t know if it helps, but altitude and weight may play a significant factor.
My ‘21 195s with 2 adults and 2 kids on board with a full tank of fuel, cooler, and gears runs about 45 or so in clean water at around 1,000’. This past week at sea level with 4 adults and 2 kids with all the same, I still ran 45 top in the bay. After break in, with an almost empty boat, my wife and I ran 49 by ourselves with 1/2 tank at around 900’ with water like glass. Mine is all stock, so I don’t know if it helps, but altitude and weight may play a significant factor.
Does yours seam to have any issues pulling tubes? It just gets bogged down in turns so easily. It’s brand new. Just curious if maybe it’s have supercharger issues. Not that I know how to figure that out. It’s just so up and down with power. One second pulls like a champ the next not so much. When it was one rider after the other with same passenger configuration and the tube riders were near same weight.
3900 is pretty high I think. That could definitely have an impact. Plus if it’s warm and/or humid, the DA (density altitude) can be quite a bit higher. As an example, I’m at 1500 ft but the DA was over 3000 ft the other day.

If you want more info and can’t find the other thread, let me know and I’ll try and find it
Would you say the huger the altitude the slower it may be due to thinner air? Or the other way around. Forgive my ignorance.
Would you say the huger the altitude the slower it may be due to thinner air? Or the other way around. Forgive my ignorance.
Yes as you go higher in altitude it robs power. You can get a “high altitude” impeller to help regain the loss of power for your altitude. We boat near sea level so this is not an issue but it is for those that live in higher elevations. I’d search for what impeller others are running in similar elevation.
Would you say the huger the altitude the slower it may be due to thinner air? Or the other way around. Forgive my ignorance.

definitely the higher you are the slower you go. I didn’t really think that 1500 ft would make much of a difference until I learned about density altitude on that other post.

I think that your best bet is to get input from other people with the same boat, ideally at similar altitudes. The smaller the boat, the more that weight will make a difference.
Higher*… ok hopefully I can figure something out and someone has good advice with the same or similar boat. I’m fairly new like I said so I could be doing something wrong and not too proud to admit that. Just want to be able to tow my friends around.
I drop a lot of speed when turning and towing as well. I throttle up in the turns to keep the speed consistent, and then back it down when I straighten up. It will drop from 20 mph down to 12 in a turn, unless I compensate by bumping up the throttle.
Definitely check the oil level as mentioned above. These boats when filled to the top dot will create excessive splash back onto the crankshaft which robs quite a bit of power. It's the same reason high horse racing engines use "windage trays" which facilitate proper drainage of the oil back into the sump and prevent splash back.
Does yours seam to have any issues pulling tubes? It just gets bogged down in turns so easily. It’s brand new. Just curious if maybe it’s have supercharger issues. Not that I know how to figure that out. It’s just so up and down with power. One second pulls like a champ the next not so much. When it was one rider after the other with same passenger configuration and the tube riders were near same weight.
I have learned to pull the tube a little better with my young one. He is the only one that wants to ride it. My oldest is skiing and wakeboarding, so he is less interested. I have learned that I need about 10-15’ more rope on the tube so they don’t get sprayed with the jet. That said, plan on high rpms and lots of learning how to whip them around with the tube. I find, depending on how my boat is loaded, I can turn sharper one way that the other, ie the back spins out one way but not the other depending on the load distribution.
Your Thrust Vectors have absolutely nothing to do with what you're calling a "rooster tail".

There are many things that could be the problem, including carting around another hundred pounds of water in the tube cover, as well as the tube losing inflation, the rider causing more drag than another rider, etc.

Your problems are a shotgun description of issues, and will be best solved with more information from you, and less questions as to what others' results are. Their results are for their boat, and you're needing to narrow down what's going on with YOUR boat. Symptoms will help to identify things, and you having fifty things to check the next time you are out are simply going to end in frustration, IMO, as you keep trying things to address the multiple issues, which may not have anything to do with the other things. Here is a "for instance":

Seams power is is fluctuating at times I have plenty and other won’t get out of its own way

What does that mean? Be more descriptive of what's actually happening. What does "fluctuating" sound like, feel like, is something on your gauges causing you to think this, did you just run through a weed bed or other debris, have you checked your impellers, do you have zero power from one engine or the other, if so, which one, etc etc etc.

Look at this like you're trying to pick out the killer in a police lineup. "seems", and "kinda", and nebulous terms like this caused you enough concern to hit us up, so tell us what else you noticed, in detail, so we can track down the thief stealing performance from your boat.

Have only reached 42mph which concerns me when reading others getting close to 50.

You inserted this within the rest of your post, so I'm going to point something out - you're not telling us if this was when you were tubing, when it was glass calm, when you were last out, what temps were, etc, and those who have hit 50 may have had completely different conditions than you were operating under, and so on and so forth. Info. Act like your wife after a few drinks, and blather on endlessly about your boat - in this case, we LOVE to read it, and it's NOT too much info, EVER.

The rooster tail being the last but annoying issue.

Was it annoying because your riders were complaining, or...why was it annoying? What was the height of your "rooster tail"? That's the kind of stuff we could quickly and easily answer. I've got the Thrust Vector Wake. When using the deflector, I get what some might call a "rooster tail", maybe a foot high, that dies about a quarter of the way to the tube. I've also got a Y-rope, hooked to each transom eye, and a 60 foot 3/4" tow rope attached to that. Zero issues with towing a tube, other than at times, the tube's cover is filled with water and doesn't drain easily, so it's like adding a second rider.

What tube are you towing, how long is the rope, where are you attaching it, etc? If your friend is saying it feels like getting hit with a shotgun, that sounds like you've got a 20' rope and you're blasting him with the initial thrust from takeoff. Was this every time, only when he was on a certain side, into the wind, etc.

It just gets bogged down in turns so easily.

This is normal. You said this was your 7th time out. Are you referring to it "bogging down" when pulling a tube, or just in general, gradual turns, sharp turns, etc? This IS normal, but it will be more noticeable the sharper the turn is, and if you're used to a prop, and turning around a bit sharper to pick up a downed passenger, it'll seem even more pronounced.

Do this - take your boat out, hopefully without anyone other than the wife, if she wants to go along, and treat your boat similarly to when you were hauling a tuber. You should see similar performance, if not, that'll help us point out other things that might actually be related to the boat's performance other than a tuber strapped to the back.

Don't worry, you're still above water, and you found us, we'll either set you straight, or help you track down the actual issues you're having, and help you learn what's "normal" for your boat. We may help you spend some money in the process, but you didn't buy a boat for the investment returns, right? ?
I have learned to pull the tube a little better with my young one. He is the only one that wants to ride it. My oldest is skiing and wakeboarding, so he is less interested. I have learned that I need about 10-15’ more rope on the tube so they don’t get sprayed with the jet. That said, plan on high rpms and lots of learning how to whip them around with the tube. I find, depending on how my boat is loaded, I can turn sharper one way that the other, ie the back spins out one way but not the other depending on the load distribution.
this would solve your problem of pulling tubes and slinging them around easily ,and a lot more. Cobra Super Ultimate AK-19 and new Super Ultimate AK-19 DELUXE steering for 2019 and newer Yamaha Single Engine Jet Boats
Definitely check the oil level as mentioned above. These boats when filled to the top dot will create excessive splash back onto the crankshaft which robs quite a bit of power. It's the same reason high horse racing engines use "windage trays" which facilitate proper drainage of the oil back into the sump and prevent splash back.
Thank you. I will check that out tomorrow!