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One picture of your last outing.

The wife is finally comfortable pulling me, yeah!!!image.jpg
From past Saturday. It was only 70 degrees but no one seemed to mind. Water was very calm and not too much crowd at the lake. Very fun and peaceful day at the lake!



Mackinaw Bridge


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Took the boat on a night cruise last night around 10:30 to end an awesome weekend on the water....image.jpg
We've got the same tube! Four of my eight fins have ripped off though. How's yours holding up?
@PEARCE This is our 4th one and it's holding up well except where the rope attaches is starting to rip. We had fin failures and bottom bladder failures. Since they don't make this tube anymore I bought it's replacement last year, it's called the mixmaster 2 and I also bought a mixmaster 1, my daughter didn't like either of them. Over the winter I contacted Sportstuff and they actually had some replacement parts in stock so I bought 2 new bottom bladders and 1 new cover. The manufacturing date on the replacements I got is actually 2008 and the customer service person told me that once the stock is gone you will not be able to buy parts anymore.
@PEARCE This is our 4th one and it's holding up well except where the rope attaches is starting to rip. We had fin failures and bottom bladder failures. Since they don't make this tube anymore I bought it's replacement last year, it's called the mixmaster 2 and I also bought a mixmaster 1, my daughter didn't like either of them. Over the winter I contacted Sportstuff and they actually had some replacement parts in stock so I bought 2 new bottom bladders and 1 new cover. The manufacturing date on the replacements I got is actually 2008 and the customer service person told me that once the stock is gone you will not be able to buy parts anymore.
I'll have to look into a new cover. Thanks for the tip! We don't use it that often so it's really in good shape other than the missing fins. We like lounging in it floating behind the boat more then towing it around. I'm the only one that rides in it since the kids aren't comfortable the way it starts out at almost vertical. That's a big part of the fun riding it is just balancing to stay on it.
St pete beach area.. we saw a few sharks around the key


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My birthday at the lake. Last weekend. Great friends and great times!

Teaching our Italian exchange student to drive the boat on Utah Lake Monday evening

My daughter and her friend having a great time dancing to the tunes in the front of our boat.
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Unfortunately, our lake is so low that our last outing on our own boat was on our Tahoe trip just before the 4th of July. However, the Tahoe trip was awesome! The water in this pic is about 25 feet deep.IMG_9144.jpg feet deep. Just an amazingly beautiful lake to boat on.
Starting the weekend off with some fishing. 1-2 ft. seas today. Just off the coast of Swansboro NC. Yamaha power counts too right?

Thought it may be cool to have a picture thread where members post their favorite pic of their last boating day. Mods..... If we already have something like this, just close it and redirect me.

Here is mine......
Swansboro/Emerald Isle NCView attachment 28378
Thought it may be cool to have a picture thread where members post their favorite pic of their last boating day. Mods..... If we already have something like this, just close it and redirect me.

Here is mine......
Swansboro/Emerald Isle NCView attachment 28378

Rain or shine, it was a lake day for us! We got caught in a big storm that lasted about half an hour. No lightening thankfully so it was all fun and games. We had a blast in the rain.


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