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One picture of your last outing.

Is that blood on the driveway? Man, you must have run her hard...
Not a jet boat but worth a look. This was running from Swansboro to Morehead last night.
Had two good days out over the long weekend. Her is a shot from us beached at Pebble Beach in the Mullica River. Tide was real high.


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She's parked after a 3 day weekend of boating

@Don R... Man that Red really does POP... Looks great!

Curious...is your cover more of the vinyl/nylon type? Ive got a 2014 and its more of a canvas material...just curious
Sunset over Sunset Cove on Lake Lanier just before the fireworks.
Bull Shoals Lake surfing.

This is before we dialed the wake in. I just couldn't stay in the boat any longer.

(Insert awesome picture here)
Still fighting doctors for paperwork and then it's off to the races fixing the last few things on the boat! (actually, wife mandated the camper be done first cuz it's in the driveway, but almost done with it.)
Everyone drink a beer on my behalf!
View attachment 56831

Son trying out the new water mat... Great deal for $89

How did the new mat do? I saw the post on it in the deals thread and it looked good. How heavy is it and was it as pain to set up and take down? That's my biggest gripe (aside from cost) with those expensive foam mats is they are heavy, bulky and can't be easily transported or carried. I like the idea of it being inflatable and I'm curious how durable you think your new mat is or will be over the long haul. As an Alabama fan though it's gonna be tough to deal with all that orange and blue!
How did the new mat do? I saw the post on it in the deals thread and it looked good. How heavy is it and was it as pain to set up and take down? That's my biggest gripe (aside from cost) with those expensive foam mats is they are heavy, bulky and can't be easily transported or carried. I like the idea of it being inflatable and I'm curious how durable you think your new mat is or will be over the long haul. As an Alabama fan though it's gonna be tough to deal with all that orange and blue!

It is very portable... I could inflate in in about 3 min or so and deflate just as fast. It folds up and stores easily under any seat. Probably weighs about 25-30 lbs.

Time will tell how well it holds up... It says it is made of "Heavy Duty 30 Gauge PVC construction, vertical I-beams provide full support for up to 6 adults to stand on"... not sure what that means though... My son was very rough with it the first time out, so we will see if it holds up, but it seems fairly sturdy (especially for $89). says it will hold 1,280 lbs

My son already is asking me to get another one to zip them together to make it longer so he can run across 2 of them... i might do it...