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One picture of your last outing.

Fall color is popping here in Central Minnesota. We "had" to do a birthday cruise for my buddy last night on his tritoon. This is going to be epic in a few days and a few more 40 degree overnights.

Fall 2.jpg
Fall 1.jpg
I'm thinking I will pull my boat this weekend, maybe even tonight and hop over to a lake down the road. South Lida, is attached to Maplewood State Park, and one of the most beautiful parks for fall color. Hense the name.

While folks are paying to drive through the park, we will be floating it's shorelines and enjoying. As we do on snowmobiles in the winter. More to come...
We were out today; the air and the water were about the same at 82 degrees. Apparently, Bella couldn't hang with the big dogs today. At the beginning of the season this sandbar is underwater. The lake at full pool is 1071 feet above sea level today it's at 166.11, 5 feet below full.
Bella Crashed on the Boat.jpeg
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Fishing with my son just outside of Mobile bay.
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(The pic doesn’t do it justice to how close that ship was)
Coming from the east side of Cleveland, the freighters up there I thought were huge but those ones were only used in the Great Lakes. Now being in Florida, I swear the ocean bound freighters are 3x the size and the wake is gigantic. When we anchor off of Egmont Key and the freighters come through the shipping channel, their wake carries several hundred yards and you can see it coming in the distance. I like to go on marinetraffic.com and see where some of the freighters I have seen pass by or that are docked at the Tampa Port are coming from, or going to. Gets the kids interested too, and anytime the kids are interested, that’s a good day!