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I got mine from Amazon. About $65.
Mine is in pretty good shape. After I clean the boat I spray 303 on all the plastic and rubber, it really makes difference. If this is a big issue and a bunch of you guys need to replace them, I could probably make some. I'll have to take a look, but I know I could mold it and make it in PU. Probably even machine it if the PU isn't the right material.
If that's a possibility then I'd be interested. I do a visual check of mine every time I put the plug in. I'm mainly looking for cracks. The only thing stopping me from replacing it with a metal one is that I don't have a grinder to make it fit right.
@PEARCE, I ordered this stainless steel scupper for $55 . It looks like it will fit but I have not gotten around to installing it yet. #Scupper #Maintenance


No grinder? Sit in your trunk while someone drives you around the block while holding the scupper against the pavement. You might get a few looks ...... or citations!!

@txav8r Thanks for the model #
The scupper needs a grind.
I couldn't see cracks on the outside of mine. It broke right where the threads start. Might need to lift the flap and check it on the inside.


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Actually, I bet the hole in the fiberglass is well over 1.5 inch.
Is the opening in the scupper 1 1/2"? If the hose breaks off inside, the best I'd be able to do in a pinch, if I can't beach it, is grab a plug or a plastic bag, jump over and find the bottom of the transom to plug the scupper opening.

But you make a good point. On the sailboat we keep wooden bung plugs sized for every through hull on the boat. Shouldn't be any different on the Yammie I suppose. Boating primarily on a narrow waterway like the Colorado River makes it easy to run her up on the beach. Out in the ocean, that little piece of wood can save the boat.

So now I'm thinking; 'check all the holes in the boat very closely' is on the list for the next time out. Boy the list is getting longer and longer.
A piece of pool noodle could work in a pinch.
I need to make something for the exhaust ports. That's the biggest weakness.
Just remember, both the scupper and the transom drain are out of the water when on step at speed! If you know for sure it is one of them, crank and go! But don't just assume, could be an exhaust or cooling leak and running would pour more water into the boat, not drain it.
Just remember, both the scupper and the transom drain are out of the water when on step at speed! If you know for sure it is one of them, crank and go! But don't just assume, could be an exhaust or cooling leak and running would pour more water into the boat, not drain it.
Good point Mel.
To put the attwood scupper on a 230 series boat the big flange needs turned down to a 2.75 inch diameter. It will fit perfect after that. Bruce if you have access to a lathe that is the best way to do it. I did mine in about 2 minutes.
I considered just putting it on my drill press stem (don't have a metal lathe), and using the grinder to trim it down evenly...lame I know but I bet it would work nicely!
I need to do this but I would love to know if there is a replacement one that fits and one that will last the life of the boat.