I installed a complete set in my FSH210 last winter. I used the primer. It is called "Primer 94". You can get it on
Amazon. The pint was more than enough to do my whole boat.
My boat was in good shape, it's a lightly used 2018 so I didn't need to do any removal or restoration. I had clean fiberglass to start with.
I guess it's pretty important to have the boat and SeaDeck at 70F or above for installation. In my case I had to heat it up with lights and fans as I went.
My process was to:
1. Clean entire area really well with Windex and a nylon brush then wipe clean and dry.
2. Position and tape down a few pads at a time to verify spacing and location.
3. Trace around pad with a pencil to create line for primer.
4. Run a line of primer around the boat floor inside the edge of the pencil line. Let that dry for a few minutes before adhering the pads. I used a foa tipped applicator bottle and only did one width of one stroke, not the whole underside. I had a black foam paint brush to tweak application when necessary.
5. Score the back of the paper on the pad down the middle of the pad in the short dimmension and fold back about 1-2 inches of the paper. (This makes a little "tent" so that when you lay the pad down it holds the adhesive off the deck so you can position it.)
6. Lay the pad down and get it positioned EXACTLY! (There is no moving it once it is stuck.)
7. Press the center line under the fold into the deck to adhere and lock in the position of the pad.
8. Lift up one side of the pad and begin to pull the paper away from the underside of the pad.
9. Press from the center out as you pull the paper under the pad. The goal is to chase any bubbles out before the whole pad is stuck down.
10. Run over the pad with a flooring roller to ensure it is down and embedded fully.
I watched a bunch of videos before I did the install. My method is pretty much every belt and suspenders topic I could collect from all of them! With it being my first install and the cost of the SeaDeck I wasn't going to take any chances.
Also, a disclaimer. My boat has been in heated storage all winter. With the arrival of spring we will get to see how it holds up!