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Show us your tow rigs!

1994 F350 7.3L turbo IDI

truck and boat.JPG
New boat.JPG
The day we picked her up.
I know its not of my Yamaha but of my last boat. But I love this pic of my tahoe.
Ecodiesel. Mad torx, yo. IMG_20150222_144135.jpg
GMC Acadia Denali


Ugh I miss seeing this all hooked up ready to hit the lake, I can't wait much longer to see her again!
My 07 Taco is in my signature. 6500 towing and it does a surprisingly good job. I was afraid I'd need a larger truck when I bought the boat. I live in the city so the smaller the vehicle the better and the 4 door Taco with the 6' bed is already too damn big for city parking!!

If parking wasn't an issue I'd love a Tundra. I like the looks of the F150 better but after owning Toyota I don't think I could ever go back to any other brand. 150,000 trouble free miles so far on my Taco!
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I towed my 242 with the pathfinder (6K limit) in my sig to Florida for Bimini with 5 people and 2 weeks of gear (minus food and beer). I added air bags in the back, but thats it. Got 9-11 MPG. Very capable tow rig!
2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It does the job and I can still get up to 24 mpg on the highway when not towing.

What motor does your Jeep have? I'm assuming the 3.6 gasser.
You are correct, it does just fine with the 21' boats, but I'd definitely upgrade to the Hemi if I had a 24'.