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Show us your tow rigs!


2012 Ram 3500, 6.7L. EGR/DPF deleted, ARP head studs, custom tuning, 5" turbo back exhaust, ATS tranny upgrades, FASS fuel system, Pac-Brake air bags, and a few extras
Nice rims
View attachment 17778 I have a 2008 Ford F-450. Pulling about 20K lbs. Quite a pull up the hill here in Colorado!
What a first post! Welcome to the clubhouse! :Welcome:
That's quite a setup. How is it legal length wise? I'd be doing that too, but I don't like getting stopped.
@JEvanoff , In Michigan we can double tow up to 65' total length and 70' in Canada. I do have a CDL with doubles& triples with a few years OTR experience, but unfortunately my Toyhauler is 44' so I can't tow the boat behind it, i would be close 80 footish. Nice set up, I'm sure you get some strange looks on the highway,lol
It's 65' in Texas too. My 5er is 36'.
What a first post! Welcome to the clubhouse! :Welcome:
That's quite a setup. How is it legal length wise? I'd be doing that too, but I don't like getting stopped.
Yes I am over, never been stopped, try to keep it under 60 mph. Pulls and stops like a dream.
I've been contemplating doing that. With my truck, toy hauler, and boat I would be about 8' over limit. I called and they said you can just get an oversize permit really easy if you are worried about being legal (Utah). I haven't decided if I want to do it or not.
2014 F-250 Lariat
I've been contemplating doing that. With my truck, toy hauler, and boat I would be about 8' over limit. I called and they said you can just get an oversize permit really easy if you are worried about being legal (Utah). I haven't decided if I want to do it or not.
I'd be over somewhere close to that and I don't know if Texas has that kind of permit to offer. My biggest hurtle is not the laws of the state, but my wife. I showed her @JEvanoff 's pic of his rig she said "no way"! Her big concern is getting around on the side streets. I told her that the second trailers tires follows the path of the first. The farthest and only place that I have in mind is about 2.5 hours away. Half of the trip is on 2 lane state hwys and the other half is on 4 lane interstate with only minor hills over the entire route. I'd probably be over my gross weight rating on the truck though. Can you tell I've thought about this a lot!?
If I could get out from my 44' toyhauler and get into a smaller 36-38' toyhauler, I'd start double trailering. I will have to look into if Michigan allows oversize permits.
I'd be over somewhere close to that and I don't know if Texas has that kind of permit to offer. My biggest hurtle is not the laws of the state, but my wife. I showed her @JEvanoff 's pic of his rig she said "no way"! Her big concern is getting around on the side streets. I told her that the second trailers tires follows the path of the first. The farthest and only place that I have in mind is about 2.5 hours away. Half of the trip is on 2 lane state hwys and the other half is on 4 lane interstate with only minor hills over the entire route. I'd probably be over my gross weight rating on the truck though. Can you tell I've thought about this a lot!?

If it helps any, my wife even pulls this rig. Truly, it's not that bad. We have about 8 of us in the group that tow doubles and get together once a year to travel to Lake Havasu (1000 miles one way) and haven't ran into any problems. Your right Pearce, the boat does follow nicely. We also try to re-fuel at truck stops to avoid congestion. In the 24 years that I have been pulling doubles I've only had to unhook the boat, wave runner or ATV trailer 3 times to get out of a tight place that I can remember. We keep the speed down and leave plenty of space when following someone. It sure is nice to have your truck and park your trailer when you reach your destination to run around in.
I think a lot of it is common sense, if you are speeding or doing something stupid you are asking to get pulled over.
I know we all love our boats, but many of us also love our tow vehicles. Show us what you have and what mods if any you have done.

My main tow vehicle is a 2007.5 Ram 3500 Megacab 4x4. Mods are EFI Live with CSP 5 switch, Edge CTS monitor, 5 inch turbo back exhaust, EGR and DPF deletes, FASS Titanium 150 lift pump, Head Studs, Intake, Southbend 3250 clutch.

And my 1975 Chevy K5 Blazer gets to play on occasion

Edit: Thanks mods for the creation of the tow rig and trailers section!
I've got a Megacab too that's been tweeked a little. I'd post a pic, but the phone isn't giving me the option.
image.jpg 2011 Ecoboost. Stock... for now. At least until I'm a little close to power train warranty expiration.