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Show us your tow rigs!

New Truck to match my new boat I'll pick up Saturday - then bring on the summer . Waiting to post picture with boat hooked up. But the new Ford F-150 are awesome
Which motor did you go with in your new F150? Nice looking combo by the way.
The Jeep couldn't handle the boat at interstate speeds, so I sold it and got an older Avalanche 2500. A little lift, some tires, a new stereo, a few gallons of "not-maroon" and voila...

Front window tint is next, then it's time to tackle the sun-faded cladding and cataract fog lights. Regardless of her age, she pulls the boat nicely. Did 160 miles last weekend to take the parentals up the Silver River.
@smthng Nice that's a great truck I let go of my 2002 1500 for a new Yukon SLT last year but I miss my old Avalanche. With that 2500 you'll almost forget the boat is back there...unless you look at the fuel gauge. FYI I used that as seen on TV wipe new on the plastic and it worked pretty much as advertised. I think if you zoom in on the attached pic of my old 1500 you can see the plastic looks pretty good.

photo 5.JPG
@smthng... With that 2500 you'll almost forget the boat is back there...unless you look at the fuel gauge. FYI I used that as seen on TV wipe new on the plastic and it worked pretty much as advertised. I think if you zoom in on the attached pic of my old 1500 you can see the plastic looks pretty good.

Yup... it gets 11 MPG. Always. With the boat, without the boat, driving like I stole it, like my grandmother, whatever... just 11. :S

How long did that stuff last? Is it a "reapply every 3 months" kind of thing, or once and done?
It lasted about a year for me except on the flat panels, the fender box covers and the horizontal part of the roll bar...basically all of the horizontal surfaces then it was every 3 month on those. Its a real small bottle you will need 3-4 to do the whole truck and you don't want to stop or you will notice a line. I also used that foam tire protectant and that last about 2-3 months and was much easier to apply to the larger areas.
Good looking truck!

And yes it looks like an HD, it has 8 lugs on the wheels, and what looks to be duramax badging on the hood.
2014 8speed 5.7l No boat yet but here are my skis.


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