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Show us your tow rigs!

@Seadeals i am with you on that one. Mine is certified so 100,000 miles is still far away...
Fueling up, the Hemi is thirstyIMG_4514.JPG
Nothing special - a 2007 Chevy TrailBlazer. Bought new in December 06' - she's been paid for since 07'. Only 58k on clock.
Had my eye on a 14' GMC Sierra last summer - but bought the wife a 14' Subaru Outback Limited instead. :mad:

Use to have a 05' Ram 2500. But after plowing snow for 20 years, didn't want a big truck anymore!

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Love the wheels! What brand and style are they?
Fuel off-road. Model is Dune and these are the Machined. They come in 4 versions (finishes).
Here's my Ram.
Thanks! I have a big learning curve with this rig. And I thought my smart phone was bad!
Thanks @txav8r ... that would fit inside of that beautiful beast of yours!
Thanks @txav8r ... that would fit inside of that beautiful beast of yours!
Or I could tow it! The bus won't be the full time tow rig for us, just on longer lake trips when we want to stay in it. We will still have the silverado for most times. That truck you have is really nice! I am guessing the tech in them today needs a two week indoctrination course with it!