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Show us your tow rigs!

Even later to the party... 2011 BMW xdrive35d. No upgrades cause she doesn't need it, "that diesel tho". Pulls like a champ, surprisingly enough I get about 20 mpg pulling the boat.


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Nice @MrWizard . Big BMW fan ... although it's been a while since I've had one.
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2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Altitude w/ 5.7L Hemi
Just upgraded. 3500 Laramie HD RAM diesel with aisin transmission.



just gotta put running boards on her. (already purchased running boards and bed liner - they are on their way). Installed the push bars today, same with the flaps and air deflector. Going to get a topper on order Monday.
Durango RT... 9 mpg at 65 mph. Good thing my wife works for an oil company.tow rig.jpg
Upgraded from a 2009 F-150 to a 2012 F-250 that had less than 10,000 miles on it. Can't wait to tow the boat with it.


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Upgraded from a 2009 F-150 to a 2012 F-250 that had less than 10,000 miles on it. Can't wait to tow the boat with it.
You won't even know it's there. Just don't forget it's back there! I don't know what diesel prices are like in Arkansas, but in our area east of Dallas there's a price war going on. Diesel on Friday at our new Bucees was $1.99 a gallon and gas was $2.11. Coming home last night we saw our local QT had gas posted at $2.06 a gallon and diesel there was $2.26. That's still not a bad price. Good luck with the new truck and enjoy all that great torque.
Gas prices in Central Arkansas are around $2.39 a gallon while diesel is around $2.60.

So far after almost 2 weeks, I am really enjoying the truck.
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3.7L Mustang motor. 3.39 gears, powerchip, K&N filter, drilled and slotted rotors, SS brake lines, tows well, stops well, gets good mileage while doing it.
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