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Show us your tow rigs!

I get 8.3 mpg while towing I. My 21 AT4 1500 5.3.
I had a 2020 ram 1500 and got around 10. That's why I switched to the diesel. I also have the elevation and a 195 so it is a (somewhat) lighter truck and boat than your AT4/222SE
I had a 2020 ram 1500 and got around 10. That's why I switched to the diesel. I also have the elevation and a 195 so it is a (somewhat) lighter truck and boat than your AT4/222SE
I used to get 13 mpg with our
I had a 2020 ram 1500 and got around 10. That's why I switched to the diesel. I also have the elevation and a 195 so it is a (somewhat) lighter truck and boat than your AT4/222SE

06 Denali 6.1 ltr pulling our 21 195s
I switched from using the escalade to a ram 2500 diesel for towing. 20 mpg all day now.

21’ RAM 1500 eTorque, 92k Daily driver on 24s in Summer, average 15. When towing the 195 or anything honestly I get less than 10. Love the truck and the ride but hemi’s are terrible for mileage.

Had an 16’ Denali ultimate with 6.2 and did much better. Wish I didn’t have electrical problems or I’d still have it.

First pic I ever took, the day we bought. Excited for next season for all the beautiful opportunities for better pics haha. 😂
You definitely knew it was back there, but it worked just fine for our needs. Can't wait til next season. :cool:


  • Gladiator towing AR 220.jpg
    Gladiator towing AR 220.jpg
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  • Gladiator with AR220.jpg
    Gladiator with AR220.jpg
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