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Surfing behind 2015 242 LS

@Belteddeep when I get home tonight I can tell you what bag I currently have under the port seat pushed towards the back. I know it's 400lbs but don't remember the measurements are. Wouldn't recommend putting a bag in engine compartment and there really wouldn't be any room for one. We just use a rope to tie it down. We go from lower ski attachment and go under bag then bring it over the bag to port rear grab handle. Here is one picture I have I'm sure I have more just can't find them right now.
Hey there rockin'...your boat is sinking.
@Belteddeep the bags I currently have are the flyhigh v-drive bags which are 42" x 16"x 16"
OMG I about had an attack when I saw your platform. I get super nervous when my platform is even with the water. I assume the boat is going to sink once it goes under that let alone when your feet and the platform are submerged.
That's the sweet spot right there!!
Very interesting! I like the GroPro mount location - I always learn more from look at pictures than reading the comments.

Is that a suction mount or something else.
It's a suction cup mount and it holds really well. I usually leave it back there all day and never move it.
Attached is the custom bag I had made by Wakemakers for the port side. I run this bag, a 750lb on the swim deck and about 500lbs in the ski locker bag. If I have a light crew I will also throw a 400lb bag on the port seat. That ballast plus the wedge throws a big, clean wave with a large pocket. Even fat people can go rope less (me) :winkingthumbsup".


Attached is the custom bag I had made by Wakemakers for the port side. I run this bag, a 750lb on the swim deck and about 500lbs in the ski locker bag. If I have a light crew I will also throw a 400lb bag on the port seat. That ballast plus the wedge throws a big, clean wave with a large pocket. Even fat people can go rope less (me) :winkingthumbsup".
@Addicted - thanks for the specs. Did you have to move your batteries to the other side?
@Belteddeep yes Addicted moved his batteries to get that bag in there. I am working on a bag with wakemakers which is very similar to addicted but it will allow you to leave the batteries in the port side locker. You just will need to move them up against the inside wall directly under the port seat. I should have a drawing from wakemakers later next week and can post it up once I get it.
boat 1.jpg boat 2.jpg boat 3.jpg boat4.jpg boat 5.jpg boat 8.jpg

As rocknracing said, I did move everything to the starboard side. I wanted to have my electrical componants separate from all that water. I have my amp board, charger and sub in the starboard compartment as well. I installed 2 pumps, one for the custom bag and one for the ski locker. The over the seat bags get a pertable tsunami pump. It would be nice to be fully automated, but this works fairly well. This setup has made surfing much more enjoyable, and much less cumbersome.
I'm jealous of everyone's setup. I'm still trying to understand what the standard amount of ballast is necessary. My original thought was:
  • 800 in ski locker
  • 500 on surf side
  • 500 on rear swim platform.
Is 1,800lbs enough to have a good time? I know the wedge would help big time too, but from a starting out standpoint...
@prorider17 I originally started of wakeboarding in my boat so I had 400lbs on each side of motor and 600 in ski locker and when I started surfing I would use the port side and ski locker only and then use people to add more weight. So I only had 1000lbs plus people weight. It was a good starting point and we had fun. I'm a bigger guy so I wasn't able to go ropeless but still enjoyed it. Did have some smaller friends and kids go ropeless with that setup. From there I would add the wake wedge which will help clean up the wake. I wanted to go ropeless which is why I started adding more ballast and playing around with different locations before deciding to have a custom bag made so I don't have bags that can be seen besides the swim platform. No way to hide that.
I'm jealous of everyone's setup. I'm still trying to understand what the standard amount of ballast is necessary. My original thought was:
  • 800 in ski locker
  • 500 on surf side
  • 500 on rear swim platform.
Is 1,800lbs enough to have a good time? I know the wedge would help big time too, but from a starting out standpoint...
If feasible you may want to put your 800 on the swim platform and the 500 in the locker. I find that weighting the front is less useful and after a certain point, it starts to hinder.

My wave does not get "ropeless quality" until I get above 2,500lbs. I also see the wedge as a must have to get a good wave from these boats.
So I borrowed your drawing @Addicted , and measured up my boat. Just a few changes and I think I can have a custom bag made and maybe get rid of my seat bag. Right now I run roughly 1450 lbs in that spot, so if I can get this bag to fill to 1300 I can gain 150 there easy!!
So, now I'm thinking about doing something similar to this https://www.wakemakers.com/v-drive-wakeboard-ballast-package-2.html. My thoughts are that I could put 400# under my port side rear seat, 800# on the seats, and 800# on the swim deck. I could also move them around for wakeboarding - #800 in center, #400 under each seat(filling the other 800# only half full). I know this would be all manual, but that might not be all that bad. This would give me 2000#, not counting the people. I'll have Perfect Pass from the group buy and will also be getting a wake wedge. Thoughts on this - will I be able to go ropeless?