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Surfing behind 2015 242 LS

So, now I'm thinking about doing something similar to this https://www.wakemakers.com/v-drive-wakeboard-ballast-package-2.html. My thoughts are that I could put 400# under my port side rear seat, 800# on the seats, and 800# on the swim deck. I could also move them around for wakeboarding - #800 in center, #400 under each seat(filling the other 800# only half full). I know this would be all manual, but that might not be all that bad. This would give me 2000#, not counting the people. I'll have Perfect Pass from the group buy and will also be getting a wake wedge. Thoughts on this - will I be able to go ropeless?

Sounds like a good recipe for a ropeless wake to me. You will have tons of fun with this setup and you will have a decent wake. What kind of board do you plan on using?
"What kind of board do you plan on using?"
@jcyamaharider - good question and since I've already hijacked this 2015 LS thread for my 2013 setup, I might as well go there too ;). I'm looking for recommendations for beginners - we have 6 kids, so looking for something that will work for my wife and I and the oldest 3-4 kids. Weight for the youngest that would ride is 80lb and then the teens through adults go 135-185. Possible to go with 1 board?

Thanks again!
So, now I'm thinking about doing something similar to this https://www.wakemakers.com/v-drive-wakeboard-ballast-package-2.html. My thoughts are that I could put 400# under my port side rear seat, 800# on the seats, and 800# on the swim deck. I could also move them around for wakeboarding - #800 in center, #400 under each seat(filling the other 800# only half full). I know this would be all manual, but that might not be all that bad. This would give me 2000#, not counting the people. I'll have Perfect Pass from the group buy and will also be getting a wake wedge. Thoughts on this - will I be able to go ropeless?

You should be fine with that setup. I started out with 400lbs on each side of motor with a 750lbs on port seat, 400lbs on swim platform and 600 in ski locker with wedge and had people go ropeless with that setup. I wasn't able to due to being bigger. Had to add some more weight!! Of course when surfing I don't fill the 400lbs on starboard side. I have that for wake boarding!
For a good non expensive beginner board I always have to go back to the liquid force fish board or the space pickle. They are super floaty and can handle a weight range. I also like the Inland surfer tako board.
For a good non expensive beginner board I always have to go back to the liquid force fish board or the space pickle. They are super floaty and can handle a weight range. I also like the Inland surfer tako board.
Would you recommend I go with the 5'3"(up to 210lbs)? What would be the downside for the lighter kids - maneuverability? What happens if someone is over 210lbs - trouble going ropeless?
You should be fine with that setup. I started out with 400lbs on each side of motor with a 750lbs on port seat, 400lbs on swim platform and 600 in ski locker with wedge and had people go ropeless with that setup. I wasn't able to due to being bigger. Had to add some more weight!! Of course when surfing I don't fill the 400lbs on starboard side. I have that for wake boarding!
If I went 400 under port seat, 800 on the seats, and 800 on the rear platform, do you think I'd need something in the center?
If I went 400 under port seat, 800 on the seats, and 800 on the rear platform, do you think I'd need something in the center?

Try it and see how you like it. You might be surprised.
Would you recommend I go with the 5'3"(up to 210lbs)? What would be the downside for the lighter kids - maneuverability? What happens if someone is over 210lbs - trouble going ropeless?
Yeah that is a good size board. I have surfed on boards under my weight limit, it is just a little harder to get it to go ropeless and it wants to peril ( nose dive ), but that was a skim board also so that board may not do that.
I MIGHT have a 5'0 Space Pickle for sale soon. Not sure we are going to pack it along this year now that we won't "need" a real floaty board. The weight range on it is 100-225#. Again, not 100% sure about selling it, but leaning that way. It's a pretty thick board and I don't have any racks it will fit in now either. On the 192 I had a kneeboard rack I used for it :)
Would you recommend I go with the 5'3"(up to 210lbs)? What would be the downside for the lighter kids - maneuverability? What happens if someone is over 210lbs - trouble going ropeless?
You've hit the nail with both issues/tradeoffs on any particular surfboard. The bigger, more buoyant boards are less maneuverable, as a rule, and when pushing the weight limit of a board, going ropeless becomes more difficult.

We only have one board - a very buoyant Red Rocket by Inland - one of the orginal red ones :)

My little kids can surf on it ropeless, even without balast on my sx230 - IF they can get up on it. The challenge for a lighter weight person on a buoyant board is the technique/method employed to start out. Because the board is so buoyant, one of the standard ways of starting (floating in the water, on your back, with your heels on the board, and the board flat on the water; then pushing down on your heels to turn the board sideways, as the boat puts tension on the rope, and then being pulled out of the water) is very difficult with a buoyant board and a person of little mass - they can't push down hard enough on their heels to flip the board sideways.

Some of my kids have gotten the technique of holding the board sideways, with one/two hands, while holding the rope, while putting their feet on the boards, while floating on their back (yes, it is as difficult as it sounds - especially for someone not super comfortable in the water or without a lot of experieince).

For my littlest kids/beginners, I have found if my older son floats in the water with them, and holds the board sideways for them, then they can get out/up pretty easily. Or sitting on a tube with their feet on the board would work. Or starting from the back of the boat (but this brings its own challenges - so I don't recommend young kids doing that).

BUT - if the kids can get up on a buoyant board, they can go ropeless much easier than a heavy person!
At the most recent boat show in OKC a Yamaha sales rep. showed me a video of her going ropeless behind her 2015 242LS. They start out making a very gradual turn which helps shape the wave. Not the greatest, but I've seen it done. She rode it for a good long time so it is definitely something that can be done. All she had in her boat was 4 other females and no ballast.
At the most recent boat show in OKC a Yamaha sales rep. showed me a video of her going ropeless behind her 2015 242LS. They start out making a very gradual turn which helps shape the wave. Not the greatest, but I've seen it done. She rode it for a good long time so it is definitely something that can be done. All she had in her boat was 4 other females and no ballast.

That can be done if you weigh 80 pounds. The gradual turn doesn't help shape the wave it is to get rid of the jet wash.

It isnt doing this:

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Never said it was doing that...simply stated that I had seen someone go ropeless behind a 242 LS.

The ops question was " without ballast" , so I was assuming you were saying it can be done without ballast with an adult to which is why I responded the way I did.
The ops question was " without ballast" , so I was assuming you were saying it can be done without ballast with an adult to which is why I responded the way I did.
It's all good...it was done without ballast. She was probably 125 lbs or so. My boys (adults) don't weigh a whole lot more than that so we will see if we can do it. Won't be perfect by any stretch but it might give me an idea on what I will need. Didn't buy my 2015 originally for surfing but what the hell!!
@prorider17 I originally started of wakeboarding in my boat so I had 400lbs on each side of motor and 600 in ski locker and when I started surfing I would use the port side and ski locker only and then use people to add more weight. So I only had 1000lbs plus people weight. It was a good starting point and we had fun. I'm a bigger guy so I wasn't able to go ropeless but still enjoyed it. Did have some smaller friends and kids go ropeless with that setup. From there I would add the wake wedge which will help clean up the wake. I wanted to go ropeless which is why I started adding more ballast and playing around with different locations before deciding to have a custom bag made so I don't have bags that can be seen besides the swim platform. No way to hide that.
Hey @rocknracing - this year I think I'm going to pipe in a bag under my port side seat and am looking for details on that custom bag you had made last year. How much weight? Measurements? Did it fit well with your 2 batteries and was there any room to spare? What do you use in addition to it now - anything on seats, in ski locker, how much on swim platform?

Thanks much!
Like everyone, we started without ballast and just used a few friends sitting on the back deck. The lighter or more skilled (not me on both counts) could go ropeless. Cam.
What Surf ropes do you use? My surf rope seemed too long, so wasn't sure if I needed to knot it.
You can use almost anything, but you dont want the large handle on the end. Mine has a small handle. Others just have a section of large diameter rope. Mine measures 17' long. Cam.