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Surfing behind 2015 242 LS

What Surf ropes do you use? My surf rope seemed too long, so wasn't sure if I needed to knot it.

When we first started surfing, we debated on what we needed with minimal investment. So the old ski rope came out with a series of loops at different lengths tied in it so that we could adjust length quickly while learning what worked and what didn't.

We learned soon enough that there was a reason why surf ropes had multiple handles or grips tied into the rope to move into the sweet spot. We also found out why they had soft padded handles as the potential of it flying at spectators on the swim deck was great!

So after using an old ski rope and after making a multi-handle surf rope with padded handles, I sprung for a dedicated surf rope on Ebay. I'm sure many will giggle at this, as many of our friends with true surf boats don't even the use the rope for a few seconds if at all (sliding off the swimdeck) I have to use it, and the kids have it as a safety blanket.

There are all kinds with a series of knots, but a true padded handle is nice, with 3 more gradual handles up the rope is good for adjustment into the sweet spot.

Good luck!
Hey @rocknracing did you ever get a design for a custom bag that fits in the port side compartment with two batteries? I saw in the thread you may have been working on one.
@CDENsomnia yes I had one made and I have the drawing on my work computer and will try and remember to get it and upload it here for you. I have attached a couple pictures of how I have my batteries.


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@CDENsomnia yes I had one made and I have the drawing on my work computer and will try and remember to get it and upload it here for you. I have attached a couple pictures of how I have my batteries.
Great! Thanks! Do you think you can still fill that custom made bag from the top while its tucked back behind the batteries? I have not yet plumbed the boat because I am still experimenting with bag placement. So I throw a pump over the side and fill each bag for now. Eventually I will get pumps and everything but want to be more solid on my placement before I start drilling holes.
Go big or go home Bob....LOL
Great! Thanks! Do you think you can still fill that custom made bag from the top while its tucked back behind the batteries? I have not yet plumbed the boat because I am still experimenting with bag placement. So I throw a pump over the side and fill each bag for now. Eventually I will get pumps and everything but want to be more solid on my placement before I start drilling holes.

I don't think it would work as I think the fitting would not allow the seat to go back on. Now if you didn't fill the bag up all the way then yes it would work. I found the drawing of the bag and here it is. All I have is a PDF so not sure if you will be able to open it here so if you cant send me your email address and I will email it too you. If you have any questions about it please let me know and I will be glad to answer them for you.


@Williamsone46 Do you have an opinion on the pre-2015 vs 2015+ 240 hulls as far as surfing?
Is the non-keeled hull better/easier to dial in the wake? I love the keeled (my 2016 AR240) hull but making a wake is a b*tch.

Wonder if you guys can figure this out while in Shelbyville this year! I am really curious if the keeled hull compares unfavorably to the previous flatter model as far as surfing.

Also - if I did this (below) - would the stereo remote go to sh*t? (it would be completely submerged in that setting).

EDIT: Photo from rockandracing and/or jcyamaharider

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