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SX 192 Mods

Ohh God, where do I start...

Last night I installed a kn 3.5 inch filter and removed the obstructive flame arrestor but left the rubber gasket in. Today I took the boat out with what started out as a normal boat run. Had 6 people on the boat with gear and a full tank of 87 octane ethanol gas.

Set the throttle at 6500 rpm and cruised for about .5 miles when all of a sudden I noticed like if I had reduced the throttle. At that point I thought nothing of it and gave it some more throttle to compensate back to 6500 rpm. Cruised another .75 miles or so when I noticed a second drop in engine power. At that point I slowed down and put the throttle in neutral. The engine died and I was not able to start it again. It would turn but not start. Checked for obstructions on the jet pump and it was all clear. Tried starting it until the battery was almost dead. Called a sea tow and got towed back.

When I got home I tried starting it again and the engine would turn and act as if it would start. Water came out of the jet pump.

Kept trying to start it to the point that I thought the battery didn't have enough juice.

Went to Sams and bought a new battery. Installed it and tried starting again until it acted as if the battery was dead.

Took the jet pump apart and everything was clear. The impeller was rotating freely.

Put it back together and tried again. Engine wouldn't turn. So I've been charging the battery since.

Hopefully the engine didn't seize or something.

I'm really worried because its a brand new boat. Could I have sucked in the rubber gasket?

I will remove the intake manifold tomorrow and see of the gasket is still there.

If the gasket is still there, what can it be?

I need suggestions....I'm already thinking I need an engine rebuild. :(

I did not get an overheating light or anything.
Last night I installed a kn 3.5 inch filter and removed the obstructive flame arrestor but left the rubber gasket in.
You can expect this rubber gasket been sucked in under the law of the physics! Just hope it does not get inside the engine too deep. Best case scenario that this gasket does not go too deep and you are able to fish it out without take the engine apart. Worst case scenario that you are gonna have fun rebuilding the engine.
Engine wont start could due to the lack of air due to blockage. Or the gasket could be melting and get inside the combustion chamber.
Best case scenario, the gasket got caught on the throttle plate. Worst case, parts of it made it to the valves. The gasket should be left out.
Well... I went out and looked at mine, and I was wrong about the best case scenario. The gasket is already inside the throttle plate.

I would start by pulling the intake manifold and spark plugs. Remove any debris from the intake side. If no internal damage was done, the no start issue could have been caused by debris hitting the spark plugs and closing the gap.

If it were me, I would get a scope to get a look at what damage may have been done. If the valves aren't bent and there's no head or piston damage then it might just need cleaned up and new spark plugs installed.

Alright, so here's what happened. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

The metal pieces were sitting at the bottom of the hose.

So it looks like I need a rebuild.

Now than I'm going through this its the time to get upgraded internals for future mods. Where and what do you guys suggest I get or get from.

I'm pissed at my stupidity, should've known better to remove that sleeve but at the same time am excited to do a rebuild myself.

IMG_20150712_110511.jpg IMG_20150712_110633.jpg IMG_20150712_110547.jpg IMG_20150712_110537.jpg
You found those in that hose? That is upstream of the engine. Not sure what those pieces are or how they got there but they don't look like the rubber sleeve. Obviously the rubber sleeve is gone, so it went into the engine.

I would take a good look at the supercharger also. Are you sure there wasn't something in the intake ahead of the supercharger unrelated to the rubber sleeve? Just seems impossible for parts to get back through the throttle body into the intake hose.

It makes me sick to think about this happening. I hope it's not as bad as it looks.
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EXCELLENT WRITE UP!!!... I'm going with a SHVO intercooler off a 2015 ski. Its a lot bigger than the stock SHO cooler so I hope to see less heat soak... Ill post after I try the upgrade...

I was very disappointed at first. It seems that heat soak is a big problem with these boats in hot climates. The boat would go 50 mph for less than a minute, then start backing down rpms until speed was down around 42-44 mph. This takes me to the first mod.

To address the heat soak issue and prepare for future performance mods, I ordered an intercooler and parts from Frozen Boost. I used one of their air to air coolers for a cummins project a few years back, and I'm very happy with their products.

Parts List:
Type 14 intercooler
3- 1/2" NPT x 3/4" barbed elbow
4 - 1" hose clamps
2 - 3/4" to 5/8" barbed couplers
2' - 3/4" ID water hose
1 - 3"x3" 90 deg silicone coupler
1 - 3"x2.5" 90 deg silicone coupler
2 - 3"x3" 45 deg silicone coupler
1 - 3"x3" 45 deg aluminum piping
7 - 3" hose clamps
reused hose clamp on supercharger.

The install took about 2 hours. I didn't hard mount the intercooler or run upgraded cooling lines at first. I wanted to test the setup before committing to it. I wrapped the bottom and back of the cooler in pipe insulation and set it beside the motor mount hump. Turns out it is very secure there and doesn't move at all while boating. After initial testing, I went back and tapped my coolant strainer and added a 3/4" dedicated line to the intercooler. (haven't tested this yet). The results were excellent. Low and Mid range power were much improved and top speed was 50 mph hitting the rev limiter. I ran it between 40-50 mph for over 10 miles and at any time I could punch it and hit 50 mph. Heat soak is GONE.

Here is a short video running 0-50 mph. Factory speedo lags quite a bit. GPS speed is in lower left corner of Nav unit.

I'm interested in R3 ECU, C3 Wheel and other supporting mods. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

This is top view including a cold air intake I threw together with some extra parts I had laying around.

Intercooler to Throttle body.

Supercharger to intercooler

Tapped Strainer

Good writen
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i have a 2015 glastron 207. has a rotax w/ jet. mine is doing the same heat sink shut down that yours did before your mods. now i know my jet will be different then yours so im still trying to figure out how to do what you did. one question i have is.. is the Yamaha a closed loop cooling system? mine uses coolant. does the Yamaha use coolant?
Yamaha is all open loop. Don't know much about the rotax, but I'm pretty sure you can go open loop and upgrade intercooler.

I can't believe the engineers throw jet ski motors in boats and think it's all good. These boat need better cooling and ventilation. If you search, you will find at least 15 threads about Yamaha SX/AR192's that have issues hitting max speed. Many need impeller changes, some just need cold air intake or flame arrestor removal. It gets so hot in the engine compartment I'm surprised we don't see vapor lock issues after shutting down a hot engine.

All that said, I'm loving my Yamaha. It is seriously fun to drive after unlocking that power.
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Here's some pics. Installed the Riva sleeve and 3.5inch K&N cold air intake, n Thrust Vectors as the first mods. It picked up RPM and speed, but like everyone experiences, once it warms up, it slows down. Just swapped out the stock cooler, and installed a SVHO cooler outta a 2015 ski... Just need to add second exit line n try it out. As you can see, its somewhat bigger...IMAG4543.jpg IMAG4542.jpg IMAG4110.jpg IMAG4250.jpg IMAG4155.jpg IMAG4542.jpg
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what sites are you guys finding all these aftermarket parts? i dont mind spending some money to go fast
Good stuff. I didn't realize the SVHO had a bigger intercooler. I like that, because it won't be so obvious if your boat goes to the dealer for repairs. I'm hoping someone will throw a flashed ECU on and tell us how it works. My wife is watching me too close for me to pull it off right now. Getting them turning 8300-8400 rpm @ 55-56 mph would be enough to make me happy.
The SVHO has better cooling and a better blower wheel that puts out a bit more boost. The cool thing you can find this stuff on eBay from guys hopping up their skis. All the while retaining the stock look, Hehehe!!!...
Any idea what boost they are running with the stock SVHO wheel? I think we are running a weak 5psi.

I see they advertise 60% increase in boost. So not quite what a C3 wheel would push.
From the what I could find, the SVHO blower from the 2014 and newer puts out 9-10psi depending on the different sites and the blower shaft is stronger too...
The Ski guys have it made. They can get a used ECU cheap and have it flashed. They keep the stock ECU for warranty repairs. If I could find an ECU cheap I would get the flash tomorrow.

thanks for the itemized list, pictures and detailed instructions, I'm going to add this to the FAQ
@Scottintexas Thanks! Hopefully someone will jump in and throw a supercharger wheel and ECU flash in and make us proud.