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SX 192 Mods

If you aren't going to upgrade your supercharger then SVHO intercooler would be the way to go.
i have been scanning the classifieds in the greenhulk forum and on ebay.
Nothing so far. If I do find one for a couple hundred, it's worth a try.
If I could find a used C3 supercharger wheel it would be a done deal.
wouldn't you need to remap the ecu then? might run lean with the added boost without the fuel.
What are the thoughts on mods like removing the arrestor and increasing the intercooler size actually helping achieve better mileage? I didn't buy my boat for efficiency, but I love the idea of taking mine to Bimini some time and extra efficiency would be a big plus on a trip like that. If you are increasing the efficiency of airflow and especially cooler airflow, would that not only help top end but give you a better fuel efficiency at cruising speeds as well?
I might be wrong, but unfortunately on jet boats it's not the same as in cars. The speed is directly proportional with rpm since it is a direct drive and the propeller pushes out x amount of water per revolution. More revs = more speed.
With heat soak the engine losses power, but it also never reaches as many rpms, so by cooling it all we are doing is eliminating the heat soak and therefore achieving the same rpms as when cold. more power also means you can reach the desired rpms faster, but I don't see any of it resulting in measurable fuel savings.
If there was a transmission with a gear ration, then it would be different...
Hope someone can correct me since I would love to achieve better range on this boat as well.
I can confirm that my boat is still a gas hog with the cooling mods. Some say the ECU flashes get 20% better fuel usage.
Stop being ridiculous people!!! U went out and bought a SUPERCHARGED boat for a reason. If you wanted something that's more fuel efficient, u should have got a SX190/AR190 or something you can power yourself like a kayak or intertube with a paddle, Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa, it burns too much fuel, Hehehe!!!...
If you would like more range. Strap a few gas cans to the swim deck...lol
lol, don't be a drama queen. I said I wouldn't mind, but that's not the most important. above all I just want to avoid the drop in performance when hot, and even then I only really miss it if I have a good load of ppl.
That being said, more power is never a bad thing and if the byproduct would have been better efficiency it would be a bonus.
Once you have smooth power, you can always get the propeller repitched, sacrifice acceleration, but you will get better mileage for the speed. (eg. at 30 mph your rpms will be lower, thus no using as much gas).

btw dart, we are waiting on your test drive with the new svho. any improvement?

@SamCF - how many output lines is the type 14?
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Testing can only be done on the weekend, and the lake is 4 hours away... Ill post as soon as I get a chance. I ran out of fuel, the first time out on the boat. Since then, I carry two VP Racing fuel jugs, 5 gallons each, they fit snug, side by side in the back of the boat next to the cooler. That's been a life saver...
I leave the fat chicks at home so the boat runs faster, Hehehe!!!...IMAG4196_1.jpg
@Eurocat There is one input and one output on the Type 14 intercooler. They are 1/2" NPT, so it fits a 3/4" ID hose.
@360dart - Lol, that is messed up. In any case I will keep an eye out for your review.

@SamCF - guess I better wait to see the results on this. I'll just do the cold air intake and the flame arrestor delete for now, and decide the rest later. I really like the idea of using the stock parts with a second exit line from the svho. If nothing shows up, i'll go your route next spring before the season starts. I will be a long boring winter, so i'll have plenty of time to fiddle and make sure it's done perfect.
I was looking the boat over today, and noticed that the ride plate sits a lot higher than the intake grate. I read a little about the ride plate on the skis and other jet boats and decided to try shimming it. I used the biggest fender washers that would fit without sticking out. Installed 4 on the front and 3 on the back, giving it some upward angle. Then sealed it up with silicone.

The idea is for the ride plate to lift more of the hull out of the water, reducing friction and increasing speed.

Headed to the lake in the morning. I'll post if there is any difference.
Well the ride plate made a huge difference in ride. Can't say if it's better or worse. It's like an outdrive boat trimmed up for high speed. It isn't bad enough to porpoise but it's right on the edge. At about 25 mph it lifts higher than normal, and drives a little squirrely. I never knew a jet could ride like that. I'll leave it like that for a few lake trips before making my mind up if I like it. The real test will be how it rides with a full load of people.

I think the ride plate shim has potential for big speed gains after the ECU and supercharger wheel is upgraded.

Hit 50 mph with the bimini up in 1-2' chop today. It felt pretty wild.
I finally got my YDS cable and software yesterday. The data was eye opening.

To start with, my engine temp is reaching 220 degrees pretty quickly at full throttle. Slowing down to 30 mph brings the temp down, but slowly. I think the target is 185 degrees, so I need to add some cooling ASAP. It's possible that my added intercooler line is robbing coolant from the engine, but the engine pisser seems to have as good or better flow than before. I'm going to try choking back the intercooler line and watching engine temp. I don't think it will be that easy though.

Second, the throttle won't go anywhere near full open. The boost limiter is kicking in at 7550 rpms and 66 degree throttle position. I'm looking now for a used powershot to get rid of the boost limiter. If I can get the full 7800 rpms and full throttle I will be satisfied for now.

Third, I monitored the intake air temperature with and without the cold air intake. With the CAI installed, the temp was 104 F. Without the CAI, the temp was 105F. Both seem kind of high to me, but I don't know what they were before the intercooler install. At least this shows the CAI is not beneficial in my setup. I'm probably going to put the stock air box back in if it doesn't affect performance. Just one less thing to put back in later if the boat has to go to the dealer. Might see those numbers change later with higher boost pressures though.

So I guess I have some things to work on. Nice to have some real numbers to see what direction to go. I'm convinced that this is a 60 mph boat with a few mods. Who's going to be first?
Here is the data log at wide open throttle.

You are!!! You seem to be the most knowledgeable and seem to have the most current mods, and the most testing than most of us on here...